Cursed items

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Metallus, Jun 26, 2010.

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  1. Metallus

    Metallus New Member

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    Aug 15, 2009
    ok so, since the first 10 pages didn't bring anything, i gave up.

    What is the point of cursed items? Have they been implemented just for roleplaying(alone moreover), or are these items somehow useful?

    As far as i could see, 98% of them is useless or grants such a shit DOT debuff, that kills you in 20 seconds. Or reduces your resistance to 0 and poisons you...

    If i should wear a whole gear of only cursed items, i would be dead after 2 secs. I remember, the only time i tried to steal and use as a weapon The Bangellian Scourge, all my comps left the team D:

    So, should they even be used, or just implemented in the game as junk items? The only use i found for them, is to drop the armor/weapon/whatever in a shop, let the vendor pick it up, and die by dots.

  2. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    Bangellian Scourge is probably the only useful weapon I have come across. The reason they all turned on you when you equipped the sword is because of the story behind it. Other than that the other cursed items I find are only useful when you place items on NPCs and they die.
  3. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    The Dark Helm is useful if you want more magickal aptitude for yourself and don't care about the evil alignment increase, or if you want a follower to be a better mage/make better use of magickal equipment (useful for fighter types if you come across arcane swords and the like) and want them to bitch less about any morally questionable actions you might do.

    The Axe of Lost Time is slow as fuck, but is probably the hardest hitting weapon in the game and sometimes fun to use for flavour if nothing else.

    So, not all cursed items are useless.
  4. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    The existence of cursed items is a lesson saying "For the love of Velorien, identify your goddamn items before putting them on". * It implements the impression that magic is not a toy but a double-edged sword and can be dangerous if trifled with. I also think that is some cases those items were a cruel joke on the creators' side. "Oh boy, oh boy, that magical sword I found at the very middle of those ruins is surely going to be something useful and powerful, could you identify it for me, ma'am, ple- OH BLOODY HELL".

    But yes, there are a few useful ones among them. I find the Helm of Nature's Wrath quite useful for pure mages, since it gives really good protection without activating its penalty, which occurs only after a critical strike and, after all, there are no critical strikes in magic. Some consider the Helm of Yzar's Cost a good choice for archers, others say the Shadow Hand Dagger is an excellent weapon for backstabbers. The Bangellian Scourge is one of the most powerful weapons in the game and a must be for evil battlemages and the Dark Helms are great for both the benefits and roleplaying reasons in evil magical parties. The Mace of the Damned is also worth mentioning, since it's quite an amusing choice of weaponry when combined with Sanctuary.

    * Even more so before the UAP, since even in the version the were still bugs causing some of the penalties of cursed items to be permanent. Really makes you not want to give that unidentified sword to Virgil.
  5. Sorg

    Sorg Member

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    May 11, 2009
    Wow i didn't know there were so many cursed items, picked my interest Muro with all the items you mentionned.
    I'm curious as to where you can find them, if it's allowed on these forums :p
  6. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Nope, sorry, I'm afraid it's forbidden around here and I would be banned for mentioning those locations.

    Seriously though, the ones I mentioned:
    • Bangellian Scourge - The Bangellian Deeps (1179W, 289S)
      Dark Helm - Ashbury castle & sometimes in stocks of Gipsies
      Helm of Yzar's Cost - Torin Quarry (1419W, 1100S)
      Mace of the Daaaaaamneeeeeed - under Ashbury graveyard
      Nature's Wrath Helm - Ancient Maze (1367W, 1585S)
      Shadow Hand Dagger - Strange Ceremony (1373W, 705S)
    Plus the Axe of Lost Time that DE mentioned is at the Dungeon of the Dragon Pool (994W, 790S).

    There are a lot more hexed items out there though, I just mentioned the ones I considered useful in a way.

    Two more notes on useful hexed items that I just remembered:
    • 1. The Ring of Shadows from the Strange Pond (617W, 528S). Seriously, how in the world could I forget about that one? It makes the wearer invisible, yet at the same time it consumes all of his fatigue almost instantly. Funny thing is, if the ring is taken off when the wearer is already unconscious because of the fatigue loss, he stays invisible, permanently. Probably more of a bug than an intended feature since it's pretty much a game breaker, but that's how it works. Quickly putting on and taking off the ring removes the invisibility. Can be repeated indefinitely.

      2. I guess one could take advantage of poison immunity coming from Constitution 20 and use poisoning hexed items without any fear, but I'm not sure if any of the poisoning hexed items give benefits worth considering. I'll probably look into it on my next playthrough.
  7. Sorg

    Sorg Member

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2009
  8. Vaar

    Vaar New Member

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    Nov 15, 2020
    Hey Guys,

    Few more tricks from my side (after 20 years of playing this game still could surprise you):

    1) Chill Shield and/or Bow of The Chill Reaper
    check on this post here
    Briefly you could lower down your Will with them so you could make cost free Disintegrate, Resurrect and Quench Life.

    2) You could give some of the items to Waromon after you make him almost immortal by using Meta-Abuse + Protection Shield - the cap of 95% is not working on him (either of the Dog but the dog can`t use items at all).

    3) Axe of Lost Time is a great weapon - one hit kill, no worries for the haste.

    4) Blade of the Malevolent Storm - great weapon again you just need to make sure you are moving quickly and/or using Spatial Distortion

    5) Mace of the Damned -
    is perfect for farming, just go anywhere and start fighting once you have enough levels and you could go up to 50 for no time

    6) The Ring of Shadow - as you said great item that you could use to make you permanently invisible and back to normal again. You could also use it with several other items to make there effects permanent if you got without mana upfront health. Then just remove the Ring, remove the second Hexed item and keep the buffs. (Careful as you could end-up with some negative buffs)

    I am sure I am missing something, as I found a good use of almost all of the hexed items - very few are really not useful.

    Stay save and take care Arcanum enthusiasts.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020
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