Creation & Evolution Together: ytzk's challenge answered

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xyle, Jun 9, 2011.

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  1. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Well there's two answers. The observation and the theories.

    The short answer is that lunacy is exacerbated by the lunar tides, hence the word.

    The long answer involves competing theories of mechanisms to explain what has been long observed.

    The very short answer is that I wasn't talking to you, but to Gross.
  2. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Observed by whom? Certainly not me! ... myths.html ... supermoon/

    Pardon me for wanting to understand.
  3. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Apology accepted.

    I read your two links. Pff.
  4. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    I read your post. Pff.

    Edit, in response to the post that was previously below this one, but somehow disappeared, which noted that ytzk distracted my attention from Gross: You're absolutely right. I was distracted from trolling Gross, not because he stopped posting, but because you mentioned that the moon makes people insane. If you hadn't done so, I surely would've kept multi-posting, with a view to trolling Gross, despite the lack of his presence, and so, replies. This is the Word of the LORD.
  5. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    I don't know what post you're talking about.

    You must be hallucinating. I rest my case.
  6. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Strong argument, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a self-proclaimed genius, such as yourself!
  7. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    In this case, my authority rests in being a self proclaimed lunatic.
  8. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    And yet people ridicule me when I proclaim to be visited by God, and to have the chats with him over tea and biscuits. Those people will surely roast in hell.
  9. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
  10. TimothyXL

    TimothyXL New Member

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    Aug 5, 2007
    so god is gross.

    Yeah, I went there. Because if God is omniscient, then it's responisble for, among other things, the First World War, the Secoond World War, George Bush,...
  11. Smuelissimo

    Smuelissimo New Member

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    Mar 21, 2011
    What always gets me is how Christians say "Oh, God is so amazing because he created the whole universe just so that he could love us!" And I'm like... uh... no. If God needed to create us in order to get any love, it must mean he is a outcast among his own kind. Like a schoolboy who keeps an ant-farm in his bedroom and pretends the ants are his friends because the other boys at school think he is lame and beat him up all the time. That is not in the least bit flattering to God. He should get a life and go out and meet some female Gods, instead of obsessing over what I do with my penis.

    And then they say "Ah, but God so loved us that he gave his only begotten son." To which I reply "No he didn't, because God is just a loser kid who can't get a girlfriend, and is using us as escapism from his own pathetic life. He doesn't have an actual son in his own realm."

    Then they look at me like I'M the crazy one.
  12. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    I'm sick of seeing the same topics brought up between the same 3 people. Fucking move on.
  13. Xyle

    Xyle Member

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    Mar 11, 2011
    Re: Creation & Evolution Together: ytzk's challenge answ

    I couldn't find the proper words to justify the question/observation or whatever-the-hell term you want to call it.

    Second, is Big Bang evolution or astrophysics? It sounds like astrophysics, yet you keep using it to justify evolution. Yet when I worked geology into the justification of Creationism, you ignored it. Does this mean that I can ignore your talk about the Big Bang? And if you know of term that encompasses evolution of life, "evolution" of geology and "evolution" of the universe, please offer it for my use.

    Currently America is moving away from Europe (Tectonic Plate Theory). Extrapolating backwards to billions of years ago, the entire landmass of the world was huge tower that slowly flattened out, NOT! That is my opinion of using the current rate of the universe's expansion to justify the Big Bang theory. Also please note that the current scientific idea that the world was once one land mass is in agreement with the Creationism. The only difference between the two is the dating of the events. It doesn't take intelligence to note that there are forces in the universe that make the "tower" theory ludicrous. And yet it takes intelligence to come up with the Big Bang theory?
    For all we know, this locale section of the universe that we can see and measure may be undergoing something akin to thermal expansion. And if you don't have the creativity to understand what I mean, please let me know before you make a gross assumption about what I mean.

    Third, you didn't address the question. Presumably because you went with Big Bang Birth Theory.


    For fun: ... cioexp.htm

    Pay closer attention to who is doing the action. God is giving not getting. Your own words contradict your argument.

    "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth," Isaiah 40:22a

    What does flat earth theory have to do with the Bible and Creation? It is unBiblical as it is unscientific.
  14. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Who says the earth's landmass was all one big tower? Sure, the tectonic plates were in a different position, but that doesn't mean they started out as one massive mountain and gradually leveled off! Going back billions of years, you'll see that the landmass was indeed all in one place, but the gravitational field of the earth would have prevented all of that land from piling up into one supermountain. It would've been a supercontinent, called Vaalbara, with mountains on it, but not in one tower.
  15. Smuelissimo

    Smuelissimo New Member

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    Mar 21, 2011
    Re: Creation & Evolution Together: ytzk's challenge answ

    I drew a pair of balls for you in another thread. You can go and stare at that if you prefer.

    It's astrophysics. I thought that's what you were talking about.

    Argh, there is no such thing as "evolution of geology". There was just a sequence of events. You can call it "the path of geology" or "geological history" or "changes in the planet". Also, there is no term which encompasses that plus evolution, because they are completely separate fields. I suspect what you're really trying to express is the concept of the scientific explanation for all things as opposed to the religious explanation, but non-religious people don't have a term for it, because it's just how things actually are.

    That's why you're an expert in astrophysics. NOT!

    As far as I know, the ENTIRE universe is undergoing something like that.

    What was the question? Was it about proof of whether there was a start point? I thought the Big Bang was a pretty good answer to that.

    Whether he is a kid who loves the ants on his ant-farm, or who wants the ants to love him, he is still a loser with no real friends.
  16. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Presumably, since Xyle didn't grant me the honour of being replied to, he must need another few months, as he previously stated, to digest a couple of paragraphs; but, if I'm remembering correctly, I'm surprised that Xyle is insulting God the Father and the Holy Bible by being such a heretic, because, it would seem, Smuel is trying to lead him away from God, and Deuteronomy 13:10 is pretty darn clear about how a saved Christian soul deals with such blasphemers! Many heretics ignore these parts of the Bible, which is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16), and only follow the New Testament; but what these heretics apparently haven't read is Matthew 5:17-19, which commands us, God's people, to follow the Prophets of Scripture, and thus to strike down these godless heathens who try to distract us from the Path of the LORD. Praise Jesus in all his glory! Hosanna in the highest!
  17. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Just you shut your mouth. I'm having such a hard time reading anything you say about the bible, because of all I've seen you say about how believing something just because it's in the bible is illogical. Stop lying out your ass to praise a god you don't follow. Your trolling methods of mocking Christianity are tired and boring. All I hear when I see what you've said is your signature's ellipses.
  18. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    But surely, on the other hand, I quote Scripture and praise Jesus! Why would you choose some posts over the others? Why wouldn't you say that I don't believe that I don't believe, based on my posts about loving God, and instead put it the other way around?
  19. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Why won't you be honest all the time as opposed to when you think trolling is funny? I may be crazy, but I don't lie. As opposed to you. Where did all the honesty go? Is it hiding in your cavernous asshole?
    How could I put it the other way around? You only started praising Jesus and quoting scripture recently, i.e. when Xyle started arguing with you. Your arguments of tautology and informal fallacies have been taking place since you started posting here, or at least since you had been educated in their use.
  20. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Well, if you were lying, how could I or anyone believe you when you say that you don't lie? That might be a lie, sure! Similarly, if I ever made out that I was honest (which I'm not sure if I did or not!), if that was a lie, then it wasn't true, so my assertion of honesty was just a lie!

    It's entirely possible that I have been recently educated in the ways of Jesus Christ! It's all in the Bible! Would you say that somebody who just learned how to water-ski isn't really a water-skier, because he couldn't ski before he learned how?
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