Crazy Christian Links!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jarinor, Nov 19, 2002.

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  1. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Having being linked to yet another crazy ultra-conservative Christian site thanks to my friend, I've decided that maybe there should be a thread dedicated to the linkage of and laughing at ultra-conservative Christian web sites. If you're a Christian, well, you can still laugh at this stuff because it's written by men, not God. Besides, who can resist outdated terminology in a wannabe-modern scenario?

    Anyway, here's todays link -

    Favourite quote (yes, stole this from my friend as well) - Satan knows how to get your goat because he watches were you tie it.

    Hilarious stuff! Check it out now.
  2. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Good going but see to that Nbroz does not open that link since he will take it litteraly.
    I liked this one best.
    :roll: oops.
  3. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I have opened it.
    I agree that it does look rather funny because it is probably one of the first web sites people on the internet EVER created. Extremely low on graphics, boring colors, and just plain too long/large.

    Actually, I have thought about that verse myself, Qilikatal. It is a rather hard one to keep in my opinion.
  4. chalcedony

    chalcedony New Member

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    Oct 4, 2001
    You may think baiting nbrosz makes you look more intelligent, but it doesn't.

    Can we stop the Christian-bashing already?
  5. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    Now there's a significant difference between Christian-bashing and fundamentalist/Bible-thumper bashing. The former is pointless, but the latter is just too much fun.

    I have no problems with Christians or Christianity when they keep it to themselves and don't try to cram it down my throat. I don't talk about my religion without an invitation and I expect the same from others. Besides, my experience with the Bible-thumpers is that they have an extraordinary capacity for hypocrisy... The same for the "14% Christians" (the 1 day/week type).
  6. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Whos says I'm trying to look more intelligent by baiting nbrosz? I'm trying to highlight the idiocy of this guy - Satan knows how to get your goat because he watches where you tie it!

    Have you read the bit about the spiritual Missile Command-likeâ„¢ battle you are supposed to play out when the salvo of temptation missiles heads for your mind? HAVE YOU?
  7. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    You're a true product of the Information Age. Heaven forbid you should ever have to read a significant block of text without pretty pictures!

    Anyone who imagines that passing a stick of dynamite passes for a good date really shouldn't be talking about the problems with sex, because clearly they've spent their lives trapped inside a cardboard box.
  8. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    actually, i think it's a perfect example of fundamentalist sexual repression... just look at that allegory!!! it even ends with an explosion!!! *giggles*
  9. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2002
    Crazy Christians

    Thought that this almost relates to this topic
    Oh, and you will have to navigate a webpage, it is not just pretty pictures for people like nbrosz

    This is making fun of fundamentalism by emulating it in an exaggerated way
  10. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    Any Christian fundamentalist website that has ads for porn on it isn't really a Christian fundamentalist website.
  11. chalcedony

    chalcedony New Member

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    Oct 4, 2001
    Okay, Jar, I was a bit too hostile back there. Cut me some slack, though - half an hour before my Statistics paper it was.

    My most recent experiences with atheists aren't all that rosy either. Take, for example, a particular forumer who insists that he loathes people who stuff religion down his throat, and takes it as a license to come up with deep, profound insights like "Islam is no better or worse than Christianity. Neither is worth the ink their books are printed with...", "Christians are raving, bible-thumping lunatics. Muslims are raving, Qu'ran-thumping lunatics", "chewed up and pre-digested like the masses who can't think for themselves", etc. They are gung-ho in citing their real-life experiences and theories on why Christians are bigoted and all that sort of thing.

    But what I see, right here in this forum, is just bigoted atheists following up on posts with pointless bashing and airing of their unique views. Nothing else. Hypocrisy, indeed.
  12. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    Actually, so far it seems to be limited to general bashing of fundamentalism, whatever the religion. I'm sure that if someone came on the scene insisting that science is infallible and can never be revised or reconsidered, then s/he would get very similar responses.
  13. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    And immediately you jump to the conclusion I'm atheist. Typical... if one doesn't eat, sleep, and have sex with the Bible in one hand at all times, one is automatically an atheist.

    I'll bash fundamentalist views... but you won't see me airing my own religious beliefs beyond what's needed to point out the gaping holes in the dogma you try to thrust at me.
  14. chalcedony

    chalcedony New Member

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    Oct 4, 2001
    Was I talking about you? See, you said
    but this guy I was talking about said
    And even, if, I were talking about you, I wouldn't have got the (apparently wrong) notion that you were an atheist only from Christian/Muslim bashing; I would have probably got it from

    Of course, I'm still (apparently) wrong, but the "immediately" here is a bit of an exaggeration.

    Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking to me for a while. Looks like you meant someone else. Never mind then.

    I doubt that, but that's just me. I'm getting highly strung these days, what with exams going on and the 'revelation' that Christians are apparently all mindless clones.

    BTW, you're not guarding the wild anymore (your location)... did you know that?
  15. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    But your underlying assumption is this:

    If NOT Christian AND NOT Muslim, THEN Atheist.

    There are other options, ya know. I realize that the average Christian doesn't understand that concept, but still...

    Anyway, I'm pretty well fed up with arguing religion, because it's one of those really fun topics where no one's mind is ever changed and everyone gets in a tizzy.

    And the "you" in the previous post was a generic "you" not you specifically. Feeling defensive are we? :p
  16. chalcedony

    chalcedony New Member

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    Oct 4, 2001
    Oh! Man, you must have a really great newligion, ya know. You can like, read my mind and tell me what I assumed. I'm considering trumpeting the fact that my assumption was "If anti-Christian, and anti-Muslim, and anti-theology, and anti-religion, THEN atheist", which is a pretty good assumption to my "average Christian" mind; but sadly, you said:

    And I know you really thought that was a religious argument, so I'll respect your wishes.

    Oh, and bye the bye, every "you" in that post referred to... you.

    Okay! I'm sick of it too. I hope my point is made and we can al move on with our tizzy lives. As someone great once said:

  17. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
  18. Gwindor

    Gwindor New Member

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    Oct 6, 2002
    OK, this is NOT funny... I totally agree with chalchedony... The first page posted has totally reasonable facts that most believing christians. (note, beleiving christians is not the ones who go to church, say grace and think they will come to heaven for that, they are the ones that has commited their lives to Jesus... That's the only way...)

    I, as a christian, would never consider that page fundamentalistic, just becuase there are people who think sex before marriage is totally OK and call theirselves christians ARE believing christians... Beleive me, there are millions of them, in all countries with christianity, and they are worse then atherists IMHO...

  19. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    Gwindor, how about letting others have their own opinions?

    For example, in my opinion it's nobody's business what goes on in privacy between two consenting adults. In your opinion, apparantly, anyone claiming to be a Christian and still believing that the sex lives of others are none of their business are "worse than atherists". In my opinion, fundamentalism is

    Meaning that Christian Fundamentalism is the militant, organized belief in the infallibility of the Bible to the exclusion of any other philosophy or religion.
    Your opinion, however, apparantly says that Christians who don't follow religious fundamentalism are "worse than atherists".

    In my opinion, your saying "The first page posted has totally reasonable facts that most believing christians." is complete and utter idiocy, as it means putting responsibility for your moral code on someone else and not thinking for yourself, but mostly because all translation is open to interpretation and insisting that the way the Bible is currently translated is "factual"is an idea I find philosophically dead.

    Finally, when you say "beleiving christians is not the ones who go to church, say grace and think they will come to heaven for that they are the ones that has commited their lives to Jesus. That's the only way...", I find you to be a bigoted, intolerant automaton for insisting that your Way is the only way, and for grossly misusing the word "believing".
    According to the good folks at,
    As you can see, "believing Christians" means those who believe in Christianity. Nowhere does it say that "believing" means "subscribing to a single, rigid set of moral codes that are accepted by the most extreme, radically fundamentalistic segment of Christians".

    Do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop insisting that your faith is the one, true faith. Believe what you want, but at the very least let others believe what they want.
  20. Gwindor

    Gwindor New Member

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    Oct 6, 2002
    umm... What I actually did say was that I as a christian IN MY HUMBLE OPINION (noted that?) think that people that call themselves christians and aren't really, are worst then atheists, or well, as worse... STILL in my humble opinion (IMHO means In My Humble Opinion, if you didn't know)

    And, about that page, it is just a FAQ for CHRISTIANS, if someone disagree, they never FORCED the reader to belive what they did...

    BUT, I did get one thing wrong, about the believe part... But it's becuase that I think in swedish, and when I get angry I use to translate directly... It means something else in swedish...

    Plus, it is according to the BIBLE, after studying it further, one finds that the only way to heaven is trough Jesus (stated in many places) and in many places it is stated that one has to pray for forgiveness for their sins, and sex before marriage IS a a sin (also stated in many places in the Bible...)

    And THAT, my friend, is what I DID mean with believing christian, one that does follow the bible... Sure, it is hard to understand all, but at least I (IMHO) DO think should be needed SOME sort of limit whether one should be able to call herself/himself a christian. I mean, just becuase I think a thought in communism is good doesn't mean I'm a communist, right?

    About this, all I can say is, I've kind of answered that before in my post. The Bible clearly says that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and you can tell me how many times you want that that can be understood in many ways, but if common sence ISN'T common sence, then I would not be a christian or live at all.
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