
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chhukka, Feb 22, 2008.

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  1. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    These problems like racism/religion fanaticism are caused by the people, who let themselves too much influenced by their parents/church/friends opinions. Because they still wanted to be accepted by their friends/church/parents, they will not stray off from the parents/church/friends opinions. Also, they say this things because they even know nothing about the other races/religions!. Example: When a foreigner* is on the news, when he stole something, they will think that any foreigner* are thieves.

    * Is this the right spelling?.
  2. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

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    Nov 11, 2005
    Oh really? So, if you try to prevent a racist from believing in his beliefs, then you're a Nazi? If you try to tell a hallucinating person that what he sees isn't true, then you're a Nazi as well? If somebody holds a bad idea for the truth, then something ought to be done about that. For instance; if you had the power to prevent it, then would you choose not to do so and leave that man to raise his children in the same beliefs? If yes, then I would like a very good explanation.

    The very nature of repelling questions is what makes religion dangerous. "Normal" sophisticated people might not be sitting at home, planning to horrible/ridicolous things in the name of religion, but even modest belief fosters fanaticism. Raising children to believe that faith without question is a good thing is really bad. Who knows what a sinister priest could do to them, or make them do?

    You say that arguing with that man accomplishes nothing. I must disagree. There's nothing wrong in proving your point and standing your ground against such people. If you met a Nazi on the street, proclaiming that all Jews must die, then wouldn't you tell him that he's wrong, or at least to shut up? I would. You could argue that every man and woman has the right to have his or her own views and ideas, but if those views involves unprovoced hatred towards other people and similar stuff, then I very much disagree. Everyone has the right to have their own views, as long as those views arent about hating or hurting other people for no apparent reason.
  3. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

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    Jul 8, 2003
    Why limit it at hating or hurting others? Surely you have the knowledge and wisdom to discern what should be allowed to be said or taught to children, why don't you take it a step further and disallow racist talk in general? What about altogether disreputable speech, like a man stating that men should have the right to have sex with young boys without their consent? What about with their consent, pedophilia is STILL wrong, after all? What if it's just a foolish notion, like claiming the Earth is flat? Obviously no one should be allowed to propogate such a foolish notion...
  4. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    My point was just let things be. In my experience most people refuse to listen to other ideas, logical or not. Therefore, I want to

    Blinky, your ideas are sounding very tolitarian. Was that meant to? It sounded sarcastic to me...
  5. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    I believe Blinky meant to be sarcastic and wanted to show how wrong you were in telling people to back down from serious arguments and such... obviously, I'm having a hard time keeping even my SWEDISH coherent so I'm really going through the motions here, he could just as well be trying to explain the best way to build a raft or something and I'd be misinterpreting him completely... ignorance truly is bliss, NEVER think otherwise young padawan (not too much younger, but you catch my drift, aight?).
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