Character creation 100, 000 BC

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Forum' started by ytzk, Nov 30, 2011.

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  1. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Okay. Cool. I like it and the idea that Animagus is husband and father.
  2. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    To answer your IC question OOC,

    Multiple Choices:

    A) Find a defensible spot and fight.
    B) Try to break free of the cordon surrounding you; south lies mountainous terrain, north and east lies open savannah, west lies forest (and the main force).
    C) Separate the group into civilians and warriors; the warriors fight as the civilians escape.
    D) Surrender and/or parley with the invaders.
    E) Any combination of the above.
    F) Anything else you can think of.

    This is a roleplaying game. There is no one correct course of action; I'm waiting to see what you do before I decide what will happen next.

    I will post IC a summary of Sun Tzu's Art of War for some general strategic advice.
  3. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    You really mean that there will be no more chapters and that it is over? Aww..I really loved this game. If it is a yes. What now?
  4. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    Okay, well, to start, we really need at least three players so if Gross is fading out, then that's the end of that.

    Secondly, if we're playing a game and not just telling a story, we need some numbers.

    Hm, let's see. Shadowrun is my go-to system for character sheets.

    120 character points to begin
    Abilities cost 2 points each, but cannot be higher than than 6, nor greater than 30 total at creation (= 60 character points)
    Skills cost 1 point each, or 2 pts for each point higher than the linked Ability.

    Abilities: (examples of linked skills)
    Strength - obvious. (Melee, hand-to-hand, throwing)
    Body - size and physical resilience. (survival; athletics - swimming, running)
    Dexterity - speed and accuracy. (dodge, stealth)
    Charisma - mental/social influence. (negotiate - decieve, persuade; performance - music, dance)
    Willpower - general mental resiliance. (cursing, counter-cursing)
    Intelligence - including perception. (tracking, cooking, crafting, painting)

    In all abilities and skills:
    1 - 2 = novice, below average.
    3 - 4 = about average.
    5 - 6 = elite master.

    To specialise in a kind of skill will give you +1 in that specialty and -1 in other forms of the same skill. So, Stealth 6, or Stealth (hiding) 5 (7). The specialty can be greater than the racial max.

    EXAMPLE: the average Lost Boy.
    Str - 4, Dex - 4, Bod - 3, Cha - 5, Wil - 2, Int - 5 (= 46 character pts)
    Melee (spear)- 4 = 3(5),
    Throwing (spear)- 4 = 3(5),
    Unarmed (wrestling)- 4 = 3(5),
    Athletics (running) 5 = 4(6) [3 + 2 + 2 = 9pts]
    Survival - 5 [3 + 2 +2 = 9pts]
    Dodge - 4,
    Stealth (move silently) - 4 = 3(5),
    Performance (storytelling) - 5 = 4(6),
    Negotiate (decieve) - 5 = 4(6),
    Crafting (spears) - 5 = 4 (6),
    Tracking (humans) - 5 = 4(6),
    Small Unit Tactics - 5,
    Orienteering (east africa) - 5 = 4(6),
    Superstition (cursing) - 2 = 1 (3) ( = 70 character points)

    Languages: begin with Int x 1.5 (round down) free language points, and one character point each to raise values, so, lost boy = 5 x 1.5 = 7 [+ 4 remaining character points = 11]
    Imperial language: 3
    Native Plateau/group language: 4
    Lost Boy gang dialect/code: 4

    FINALLY, subspecies cost and bonuses/penalties.
    Neanderthal: 5 char-points; +2 body, +1 strength, +1 willpower, -1 charisma, - 1 agility.
    Australopithicus: 5 char-points; - 3 body, + 2 agility.
    Erectus (Gog, Magog): 10 char-points; +4 body, +3 strength, - 3 agility, - 2 willpower, -2 intelligence.
    Habilis (Korduk): 10 char-points, + 4 strength, + 2 body, - 2 willpower, - 2 charisma, - 1 agility.

    Complicated enough for you? If we can puzzle out the maths, then we can actually have fair, but uncertain outcomes, and a more challenging game. What do you reckon?
  5. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    While I prefer a story-wise RPG, I really like the idea of making such character sheets with those character points. I shall try to make a character sheet for Animagus.

    Edit: I saw that there will be more chapters. Cool.
  6. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    I'm sorry guys. I'm still here, but I've been entertaining a guest. My girlfriend is up here.

    Here's Otro and Rifa;

    Garn Otro Litha


    Strength - 3 (4)
    Body- 2 (4)
    Dex - 3 (2)
    Willpower - 6 (7)
    Intelligence - 6
    Charisma - 6 (5)

    (52 points)


    Melee (spear)- 4
    Throwing (axe)- 4
    Unarmed (proto-martial-arts)- 3
    Athletics (running) - 1
    Survival - 5 = 4(6)
    Dodge - 2 = 2
    Stealth (move silently) - 4 = 3 (5)
    Negotiate (haggle) - 5 = 5
    Crafting (tools) - 8 = 6 (10)
    Tracking (animals) - 6 = 6
    Hunting - 5
    Orienteering (Europe) - 5
    Painting (Storytelling) - 7 = 6 (8 )
    (64 character points)


    6*1.5=9 [+4 extra character points] = 13

    European Basic = 3

    Schwartzwald Kinder = 5

    Unified Tribe = 5

    Hongen Rifa Juho Liroi-Jankinz


    Strength - 5 (6)
    Body- 6 (8 )
    Dex - 6 (5)
    Willpower - 5 (6)
    Intelligence - 3
    Charisma - 3 (2)

    (56 points)


    Melee (daggers)- 7 = 6 (8 )
    Throwing (axe)- 5
    Unarmed (proto-martial-arts)- 7 = 6(8 )
    Athletics (running) - 6
    Survival - 7
    Dodge - 5
    Stealth (move silently) - 5
    Negotiate (intimidate) - 4
    Crafting (tools) - 3
    Tracking (animals) - 3
    Hunting - 5 = 3 (7)
    ( = 61 character points)


    3*1.5= 4 [3 extra character points] = 7

    Schwartzwald Kinder = 3

    Unified tribe = 2

    Hunter's code = 2

    I had to put a space after the 8's because apparently having a parentheses right after an 8 makes 8) .
  7. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Lets see. If I look at Animagus, Fang and Scar kind of characters, then their Character sheets are going to look like this:



    Strength: 5 (6)
    Body: 5 (7)
    Dexterity: 4 (3)
    Willpower: 5 (4)
    Intelligence: 4
    Charisma: 6 (5) (+2 cirumstances Bonus if influencing Animals/Wolves*)

    *Only if it is okay with you all.


    Melee (Spear) 3
    Melee (Sword) 3
    Unarmed (Claw and Bite) 5
    Survival 5
    Dodge 4
    Stealth 4
    Negotitiate (Lead Tribe) 6
    Negotitiate (Intimidate) 4
    Hunting 5
    Survival 7



    Strength: 6
    Dexterity: 5
    Body: 5
    Will: 3
    Intelligence: 3
    Charisma: 6


    Melee (Claws) 6
    Melee (Bite) 7
    Hunting 6
    Tracking 5
    Stealth 6
    Negotitiate (Intimidate) 5



    Strength: 5
    Dexterity: 6
    Body: 5
    Will: 3
    Intelligence: 3
    Charisma: 6


    Melee (Claws) 6
    Melee (Bite) 7
    Hunting 6
    Tracking 5
    Stealth 6
    Negotitiate (Intimidate) 5

    Edit: Did I miss any skills and could someone correct me if I made any mistakes in this and with the abilities?

    Edit1: Which language has Animagus? Shall I choose one?
  8. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    Nice work, looks good.

    Animagus can only have 1.0 x Int base language points, due to his upbringing.

    Also, I'm going to be online only erratically for the next week or so.

    Feel free to game on. Gross is hereby promoted to acting story-teller.
  9. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Sorry, that it took so long, but here are the languages of Animagus:

    4+1.0 = 5 [+3 extra character points] 8

    European Basic = 3
    Wolf Language 5*

    Unified Tribe is the language of the tribe that we are now, right? Or. Should I replace this with European Basic?

    *If it is okay. Well...It fits more to the background of Animagus.
  10. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Unified Tribe is the language of the current tribe - I made European Basic in the same vein as The Lost Boy's Imperial, so Basic is the common language of the European Tribes like Imperial is the common language of the southern empire

    Animagus grew up with wolves, so you can decide how much of Basic, Wolf, and Unified he knows, unless you've got an idea of his starting tribal language too.
  11. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    Great work guys.

    I'm hoping to be back online soon.

    Don't give up on me yet.
  12. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    Is it at all possible to join this game after all your progress? I'd promise to read it all through. It is of course ok to say no - I understand you've come a long way and grown accustomed to eachothers way of playing. I just find your game interesting and would like to join in, is all.
  13. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    I don't mind you hopping in. If there's a majority of the current players in favor, it should be no problem.

    Also, these two new characters, Migo and Dagga;

    I made them genuinely, as in, they've got no direct plot to harm the Tribe (though, people are known to do funny things when faced with death). They're not specifically my characters, they're NPC's anyone can use.
  14. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    Please do join in, WB. I had planned on it being an open game.

    Sterling work, guys.

    Gross, you're bang on schedule stealing my thoughts. It's uncanny.

    Please continue to act as story-teller for the time being. I will write up a new character sheet for my player character. Haethor will reappear years or decades in the future but is gone for now.

    Epic battle, btw, really entertaining.
  15. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    Is it possible to play as a Homo Sapiens? I'm thinking in the lines of Homo Sapiens Idaltu.
  16. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 30, 2010
    Of course. Any old homonid is welcome, as well as any other vaguely prosocial beasty, like protoelephants and protodogs.

    As far as I know, neanderthal is a kind of H sapiens, just not quite Cro Magnon which, according to my greatgrandmother's Reader's Digest atlas, can be identified because they wear a suit and tie.
  17. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 11, 2005
    Let's see then...

    Sul is a Lost Boy outcast who managed to survive his squadrons slaughter by staying the fuck away from the Thunderbolt warriors. He's looking for a new group of people to live with. He will gradually work his way into the Unified Tribe. Sul is an outsider because of his mixed inheritage (part Neanderthal, part Sapiens Sapiens) which makes him unable to wed, and thus without future, back in the Empire.

    STR: 6
    BDY: 4
    DXT: 6
    WPR: 2
    INT: 4
    CHR: 3
    (50 chr points)

    Melee (Spear): 6 = 5(7)
    Throwing (Net): 6 = 5(7)
    Hand to hand (Wrestling): 4 = 3(5)
    Athletics (Running): 6 = 5(7)
    Survival: 4
    Dodge: 6
    Stealth (Move silently): 6 = 5(7)
    Stealth (Hiding): 6 = 5(7)
    Negotiate (Decieve): 3 = 2(4)
    Crafting (Tools): 4 = 3(5)
    Tracking (Humans): 6 = 5(7)
    Orienteering (East Africa): 4 = 3(5)
    Superstition (Counter-cursing): 2 = 1(3)
    (67 chr points)

    Imperial: 3
    Native Plateu: 3
    Basic European: 3
    (6 free lng points + 3 chr points)

    He has a stone tipped spear, a net and leather clothing for gear.

    Tell me if I've done anything wrong so that I can correct it.
  18. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    I was actually wondering how it is with birth rituals at this time. Should it be a combination with the rituals of Animagus and Cecilia? Or one of the two?
  19. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    The ritual is the same as nowadays: secret womens' business. One day the women will disappear for a few days and then, if you're lucky, they'll all come back with a healthy baby.

    This would be true of wolves as well. Your job as husband/father is to feed, sooth and then stand well back for the midwives.

    The only ritual role for Animagus is that of an ordinary, confused and anxious father-to-be.

    Speaking of rituals and babies: The infant of Fat Mama is now a toddler and therefore a person, and thus needs a name. Also, Choon, Otro's new apprentice, is nearing manhood and needs a rite of passage at some point.
  20. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    P.s. There is no character named Cecilia, except a brief reference made to animagus old sweetheart in his home tribe.

    The Dancing Girl, Lengesu, is, I think, the one you mean. However, being the alpha, you can call her whatever you like and she just has to accept it. Old school.
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