Are we alone?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quethim, Nov 27, 2002.

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  1. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    I find it interesting that when talking about life on other planets, people immediately think of intelligent lifeforms. IE: Smart, with ships, guns, lasers etc... What about something as simple as microbes living on another planet? Or even animals such as horses or dogs or something?
  2. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Cuz that's how all the movies are, just like we get the sterotype irish are drunks
  3. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Yeah, but that's because all Irish are drunks.
  4. Just A Geek

    Just A Geek New Member

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    Jan 4, 2002
    There isn't even intelligent life on earth. Mankind is stupid. If you forget, they will remind you. :winknudge:

    But all kidding aside, who is really to say that we are intelligent anyways? Who defines intelligence?

    Who is to say that dogs aren't more intelligent than us. Maybe they have tricked us into giving them homes and food and taking care of them.
  5. Quethim

    Quethim New Member

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    Sep 18, 2001
    You do have a point. But I would go by technology, it's pretty advanced, if it was not for intelligence, we would not be sitting on a desk typing on a computer sending words on this forum. People created this great communication device.

    Intelligence is many things. It's not being smart. It's knowing how to survive. It's knowing how to communicate. It's knowing how to out smart your enemy. That is only a small bit of what it is, but those are the most important of them.

    Humans are a great race. A lot of you don't think so, because we kill each other you think we're dumb. You see humans are like animals, they kill each other because they are afraid of the enemy, which is why we have war. It's fear of the other race. We would attack aliens on sight because of fear, they could just be stopping by for food and we would kill them because of fear. Each individual has a different type of intelligence, whether it is how to steal from a bank or how to program on a computer. Everyone has intelligence.

    Some people say Dolphins are smarter then humans. Well, that's not really true. They got a language, big deal! They still don't have what many humans have. People say we are dumb because we polluted this world, well, we did that to survive. Dolphins will be wiped out if they were not any smarter. Humans can do tricks to, if someone told a human to jump, they could if they wanted to. Each animal has his or her own intelligence as well.
  6. Just A Geek

    Just A Geek New Member

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    Jan 4, 2002
    But that is OUR definition of intelligence. Can we get inside the head of other species to find out what they are thinking, or even if they really think at all? Nope. So what's intelligent to us might not necessarily be intelligent to them.

    And as a sidenote, I don't think humans are stupid for killing each other, I think they are stupid for NOT killing each other. With all the medical advances to prolong and save lives, it's causing us to continually spread. Where as most animals develop some form of balance with the environment, we defy it and try to overcome death. I'm not saying I want to go out and kill a buncha things, but when its time to go, its time to go. No use in fighting it. Simply delaying the inevitable.

    But I am getting severely off-topic here, so I do believe I will try to shut up. :)
  7. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    Humans are "great" becasue of 3 things and 3 things only

    1) Writen history. "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it." This is very true, for animals knowledge is very rarely passed down further than 2 or 3 generations, therefore the knowledge that they may have gained is lost after only 10 years

    2) Opposable thumb. I'd like to see a dolphin try and use tools

    3) Above average brain size to body mass average. I doubt bugs can understand simple laws of physics.

    The big one in my opinion is number 1. This is the only thing that humans don't share with the animals on this planet, but I have to agree that humans are dumb at times. You say we pollute the planet to survive, but in fact by polluting the planet we aren't surviving, but destroying the planet to suit our immediate needs.
  8. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Wow, you're logic is astounding. With those 3, arguably inarguable points, you have defined the human race and it's successes.


    Humans are not great for the reasons you listed. It's debatable we could even be labelled great. Superior to most forms, yes. What have we achieved though? Democracy? Freedom? A solar system free of spooky aliens?

    Those aren't achievements, they're simply things that have happened in our history.

    The opposable thumb is certainly useful, and allowed us to rise above the levels of animals MOST of the time, although there are periods when cockroaches are superior to some people.

    However, your other points are ludicrous. Written history is what makes us great? Just because someone once said something along those lines doesn't make it true, no matter who they are. Animal knowledge is passed to every single animal of the same line that is born, otherwise they wouldn't survive would they? You think instincts just happened, and were set in stone at the beginning of time? No, they develop and refine them all the time, and hey, they don't just disappear after a decade or so.

    Also, your brain to body mass argument is stupid - we don't use most of our brain anyway.

    Those are OUR laws - I doubt WE could understand THEIR laws in the same way they do. They probably do understand them, just in a different way to us. Cats, for instance, know to turn when they're dropped upside down, because falling on your head hurts.

    Really, your shallow analysis of the human race puts the rest of us to shame. It degrades you quite a bit.
  9. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Not to derail the thread or anything, but I don't think there are other beings out there in space. I think we are alone. Maybe I think that way 'cause I'm very close-minded. :-?

    In other news, and keeping with my non-derailment, .....

    I'm back!!! :wavey:
  10. Menion Ravenlock

    Menion Ravenlock New Member

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    Oct 30, 2002
    Sorry I been gone for awhile but I am back!

    Retard I agree with you that we are alone. Because if we weren't don't you think the other things would come and say hi? Anyways I think we are alone except for these 4 things

    3.Gods angels
    4.Satan's angels/demons

    That's what I think. :smile:
  11. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Yeah, the only thing is though, I think that they were referring to physical beings. Like another planet inhabited with homo sapiens. Or nasty, dripping, slime-oozing, razor-toothed, bad-breathed, bad-attitude beings with the intent of absolute destruction on their ESP-capable brains.

    Or a planet inhabited entirely by damn dirty apes.
  12. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Please, to whomever is saying "The government is hiding aliens from us," get real. Why would any government have a reason to hide that? Is this a world effort, to hide the aliens from other people? You guys have been watching too many cheesey alien films. Whatever countries have to hide from their citizens are probably not "little green men."
  13. Menion Ravenlock

    Menion Ravenlock New Member

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    Oct 30, 2002
    yeah or they were thinking of a planet full of naked blonde, dick sucking girls. lol
  14. Just A Geek

    Just A Geek New Member

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    Jan 4, 2002
    And here I have always thought that the most OBVIOUS reason there was life on other planets was because they have not tried to contact us. Hehe.

    And as far as the whole government hiding issue, how do you know?

    Suppose you are borrowing your friends favorite CD, and you break it. Now, instead of telling them that you broke it, you go out and buy a new one, never telling them of what happened. You do that because you know if you did tell them, they would freak out.

    Same principle, only on a much more controversial subject. Do I know something is being hidden from the public? No. Could something be hidden from the public? Yes. Do I really care? No.

    When it comes down to it, does anyone really want to know everything thats going on? No secrets, no lies, etc?
  15. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I read that those "abductions" are actually a dream. There is a time, when you sleep, that your brain causes your body to feel pain and keeps you from moving. Sometimes people have a dream they are on a table, strapped down with aliens cutting them open. It is a harmless dream, though.

    I'm not sure whether to believe in aliens or not. It is about the same as believing in ghosts and Bigfoot.
  16. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Welcome back retard :wavey:

    Mate, you can fuck off again.

    I was abducted by aliens last night.
  17. M@de in China

    M@de in China New Member

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    Oct 29, 2002
    no need to get into name calling

    Which is why it was in quotations, I think humans are generally idiots just like your opinion

    Those are achievements though, they aren't just simply things that happened in the past. By your definition every thing is just something that happened (which is true, but not entirely accurate)

    True, you're talking about natural selection and how each animal has developed thier own niche in our ecosystem.

    Ok, certain instincts are passed down through genetics BUT that is not the same as knowledge. For example a dog discovers that eating a certain bug made him sick, and therefore he avoids eating more of those bugs. He may teach his pups this and they may teach thiers, but probably this knowledge will die out and another dog will eat that bug. Now if it was a human with a written history, once when someone is sick they may draw a picture on a wall warning others not to eat that bug. The picture on the wall will withstand time itself. Orally history dies very quickly, when it is written it almost last forever.

    So your saying that the strong correlation between brain size to body mass and intelligence in the evolution of our species means nothing?

    I guess that was a poor statement. I meant to refeer to our application of science to various common tasks (and don't give me lip about how birds apply science by flapping their wings. They may understand if they stop they fall, but they don't understand why when they flap the don't fall)

    And again you're calling me names instead of tring to prove your point...
  18. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    You fail to recognise that I don't have to prove anything - I just have to show how inarguable your points are. You proved even less than me, and I didn't even attempt to try and prove anything, nor did I state my intention of doing so. I simply made statements pointing out the fallacies in your arguments.
  19. Menion Ravenlock

    Menion Ravenlock New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 30, 2002
    Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 12:17 am Post subject:

    What's your problem DU? You have some type of grudge against me or somthing? If you do why don't you pm me and tell me or wait... You are just an asshole that's right! :asshole:
  20. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    And you have walked right into his trap. Ignore those of his posts that attacks you, cause what he loves is to piss you of, that is his only goal. He typed like a stupid cretin here for a while just to annoy Milo. Ignore it and it will go fine. Also he makes quite a few fun posts. He is the evil clown of this forum.
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