Arcanum:WIP 6.0 now available

Discussion in 'Module Discussion' started by rroyo, Jun 8, 2008.

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  1. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Kewl...btw..remember that idea I once posted about making different kinds of traps, basically the ones you have in the game such as poison, bullet, fire, disarm etc...

    Did you say that was a problem because there were no protos for those traps?
  2. SoulKina

    SoulKina New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 13, 2009
    Very good idea, indeed. That useless cemetary, all it's good for is the Terwilliger "tombstone" (the little RIP stone, can't remember how it's called.) and really, do does anyone here like to do the Bates's tunnel quest? You get more xp doing the other two quests for Appleby and you can get that fate point from going down the trap door and climbing the store from inside the house. Ah, and you might want to check that, 'cause it seems like a glitch. Oh and the de Cesare matchbox... In that topic, what about the Half Ogre Island continuation quest? Is it already implemented? Are you on it? If not, are you really going to make such thing? I would aprecciate it.

    And oh em gee, I'm sorry already for the girl who's going to be servicing Sogg. With that size and that strenght, she's dead meat. Suddenly I feel an urge to create a full strenght Half Ogre, wonder why.

    I remember that idea, but I don't remember the reply. I was going to post some more ideias, but it looks like you're pretty busy already, maybe when you realease A:WIP 7.0 I'll post them. While we are on that, do you have any idea of when you're going to make a new release?
  3. Wolfsbane

    Wolfsbane Well-Known Member

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    Nov 11, 2005
    He's not gay at all. Ask him about places like Stillwater and Qintarra and you'll see what I mean (you have to be male, of course).
  4. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Well I can't speak on the sexuality of any of the people in Arcanum but if I had to venture a guess at any of the male characters being GAY....I'd say Geoffrey is a prime candidate...along with Perriman Smythe...

    ...and I'm almost 100% certain that Franklyne took someone up the butt dduring his (mis)adventures...
  5. Kijikun

    Kijikun New Member

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    Mar 24, 2009
    I think that's a great idea. It always seemed strange to me that there wasn't even a male prostitute at Madam Lil's in Tarant considering she even caters to those who like a bit of man on sheep action.

    Female to male options often seem to get left out of games like this. I remember being pleasantly surprised it was a option in KOTR.
  6. SoulKina

    SoulKina New Member

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    Mar 13, 2009
    I'll probably kill the male prostitute and prowl away if there is one. But it is strange that if you're playing a female character and want to get laid with a man you'll have to sell yourself for Lil and screw that disgusting Mr. Wellington. And even if its some meaningless sex, we should be able to interact more with our followers, that aspect of the game is so poor. Unfortunatelly, I have found myself to be without any useful ideas right now.
  7. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    What about an option of pregnancy for the female PC/NPC?
  8. Kijikun

    Kijikun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 24, 2009
    The coding and sprite changes that would have to be done to pull off a pregnant player or npc most likely would be too difficult. Plus the pay off wouldn't be worth it. You can't marry, buy a home, or put down any sort of roots like you can in games like Fable.
  9. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Trying to turn Arcanum into "The Sims" are we?

    Does anybody really want to see Chukka "rear-end" Vollinger that much?
  10. SoulKina

    SoulKina New Member

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    Mar 13, 2009
    You can buy a house and a hobbit-hole, but you really can't marry, and if you settle down in Arcanum you're pretty much stop playing it. If we could buy more houses and marry someone it would be awesome to have a son/daughter. If rroyo have the interest and patience to do so it could be one of the post-Void features.
    But that would require that the PC actually interacts with the NPCs aside from doing quests for them, and also some improvement in the PC-follower relationship.

    EDIT: At least I don't want to transform Arcanum to "the Sims", but it would be nice if you could kinda of settle down after the Void without getting bored as hell. Because, we just fucking saved the world you know? I would want to rest some time after defeating the "great" necromancer Kerghan.
  11. Kijikun

    Kijikun New Member

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    Mar 24, 2009
    If we wanted to be playing the Sims I suspect we'd be doing that or something like Fables 2.

    I'd be pleased with any added interactions for female characters just for the sake of balance. Whether rroyo adds or doesn't add something like that, I'm happy to have had my suggestion heard. And I'm more than grateful he spends his free time working up code and modification. :)
  12. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

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    Oct 13, 2006
    Wow - Looks like I started something with the sex-scene mention.
    Now I will have to implement it.

    Got it noted. Thanks.

    In order: It's in the works. No. Not yet. When I believe I'm skilled enough, I'm sure as hell going to try.

    Plan on a Christmas release. There's a hundred and one things, both large and small, I've been putting off doing. All that is going to take a while.

    PLUS - In a couple more weeks I'll be moving into a rent-to-own fixer-upper just outside the little town I work in. Between replacing the old wiring and just making the place tolerable for now, there's no sense even trying to set up the computer. So it'll be setting in one corner or another for at least a month.

    Uuuuhhhhh... No.

    Kijikun: Thank you.
  13. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    I'm not saying having thing sto do after you finish the game is necessarily a bad a thing...but the game is about as "sandbox" as you gan get in an RPG game.

    I was one of the first people to actually suggest a playebale epilogue of teh game set several years in the future, that would see many things in Arcanum changed...reflecting the good and bad things you did in the original game... and possibly a few random children that were spawned based on the girls you could "boink" during the game, such as Raven, Mrs. Minsk, Zan Alurin and Madam Lil's girls. But the amount of work that would have to be done would be...well....of Gaussian proportions. You can dig up the post in the Arcanum 2 Suggestions forum.

    Having said all thing I wouldn't mind seeing added is the ability to boink Madam Lil....something about screwing the Madame (pimpette) is freaky enough to draw my attention...and if you wanna satisfy some of the feitish-frenzy can always fiddle with the thieves quest involving getting the necklace from the back room of Madam Lil's so that you have to ride the pudgy halfling in order to get in the room.

    Now realistically, if you really wanted to have a kid in the game, without getting into the technical aspects of which I have very little clue about and will defer to Rroyo's, Drog's and others expertise, what you could do is this:

    - Have a quest very early on in the game...possibly as early as Shrouded Hills that has you "getting your leg over" with a female character. Then at some point later on in the game, once certain actions have been triggered, you "bump in" to your child and he can possibly become a follower.

    Problems with this:

    - Timespan: while you could probably process 9 months in the game, there's no way to have the child grow up. It just can't be done. Unless you want to throw time travel, technical or magical growth acceleartion into the equation...which could work if the girl you screwed had some sort of hidden agenda.

    - Variety: to keep it simple, you'd pretty much have to always have a human sized son or possibly one using the halfling model if you wanted to make it seem like he was a teenager or something. It would probably be pretty complex to set up something where the race of the female matches the race of your main character and then your son ends up being the exact same race as you.

    - Sexual Discrimination: there would be cause for argument if this feature was only available to male characters. But trying to model this for a female character would be hard because that would mean YOU have to get pregnant, which: a) woudln't show in the game and b) would be difficult to incorporate as far as a storyline you would have to give birth and in the base game it would simply mean an NPC simply showingup out of nowhere.

    A way to get around this would be if you incorporated something like what they did with The Bride in Kill Bill, where if you are a female character, you were pregnant some time before the Blimp Crash and your unborn child had either been removed or born and stolen years ago and you were setting out to find him/her. Assume that the blimp crash gave you amnesia and you've more or less got a framework to build on. Especially if you have the child show up later in the game, filling in the gaps for your character's background.

    Finally, in either case, I suppose you could always throw in a red herring where your character can stumble, and only VERY EARLY ON in the game, into some sort of dimensional vortex "a la the void" where a family is trapped. You could have a micro-quest or two that involves you trying to help them create a portal back to the real world and in the end, the portal can only send one person back and they decide it has to be you, based on what you've told them about the Living One story....

    The trick is that time flows differently in this pocket dimension(PD), so you'd have the choice of either making someone screwable before you enter the PD, where time flows much faster and when you get back your child had already been born and grew up; but this would mean that this would have to take place as early as the Crash site, otherwise some of the quests would lose their meaning: "Gee Constabel Owens....I finally got rid of those bridge thieves after 18 years :p)

    or have it so that you spend "years" in the PD...marrying and having a child with someone there, and eventually getting back, along with your child, based on some magical-scientific explanation that you and the child carry some sort of quantum or magical signature from the main dimension that allows both to get back....when we all realize that in the PD, time flows that all those years spent in there really only reflected a few days in other dimension...the PC's age could be adjusted saying it was normalized during the trip back and the child's remained the same becuase he is partially form the PD.

    "You mean....I'm trapped here forever..."

    "I'm afraid so...but don't look so sad...we live a good life here...I see one of my children is quite taken with can settle down...marry...raise a family..."

    "I suppose...too bad I'll never figure out what happened with that ring and the gnome..."


    "Father/ you really trhink you should be playing with that artifact.."

    "I'm sure there's no harm in having a look XXXXX, the creatures that built this place surely had a purpose for it...besides...I need something distract myself with since your mother/father died....

    Anyway...that's my brain-fart of the day :)
  14. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 11, 2005
    *cough cough* Rroyo, if you put in a Female PC/Virgil romance option, I will become your slave. Seriously. I'm begging you here.
  15. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

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    Oct 13, 2006
    FourHorsemen: Given my skill level in the immediate future, the only suggestions that I could make doable are Madam Lil and the halfling Winno.

    Lil - I might be able to work it in for after she gets the Medalion.
    Getting Lil into bed would be bit of a headache due to how tightly her script is written.
    Many dialogs have gaps in the listings - suddenly jumping from line 150 to 200, but not hers. Completely linear, start to finish, and long to boot.

    Winno - I see her as a tough old bird who's seen and hear it all.
    Script her to where it takes 3 or 4 tries to charm the pants off her and leave her unconcious long enough to get the necklace.
    Her dialog is small enough that it could be easily expanded.

    I'm adding these two ideas to an old question note - "Get lucky with Lil?"


    Edit: Xiao - You just woke me up!
    I'm adding your suggestion to my list and highlighting it for definate-do.

    Seriously though, Virgil has very complex and extensive scripting attached to him. I would have to be extremely careful on adding this option and it'll be a while before I can even start on it.
    So be patient. It's now in the works, I just can't say when it'll be available.

    And - Three questions -
    1) Pre-Zen honest Virgil - What Beauty, Charisma, and Reaction levels it take to make a young, dedicated monk forsake his vow of chastity?
    2) Evil Virgil - What Beauty, Charisma, and Reaction levels it take to make a young, dishonest monk forsake his vow of chastity?
    3) Should I avoid the double-work and add a male option while I'm at it?
  16. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    The real question it simply going to be an "anytime" "Can I have a look at your things?"

    "Virgil..I want to play with your c...." which results in a little "R&R" between the characters...

    Or are you thinking of romantic dilaogue that evolves as the game progresses...something along ths lines of what happens with Raven, while she's a fixture in Quintarra?
  17. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

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    Oct 13, 2006
    The anytime option: It would be the simplist and most glitch-resistant way to go. To keep things realistic (and simplify the task a bit) I'm thinking an anytime option for later in the game when his reaction to you has advanced past a certain level - i.e.: 15 Beauty, 15 Charisma, 110 (Love) reaction.
    In other words: Let him get to know you first.

    The evolving dialog: Possibly. I need to study his dialogs in detail to see if those lines could be added without a complete rewrite.

    Edit: Something I just thought of: Race restraints. Human, Elf, and Half-elf PCs only?
  18. FourHorsemen

    FourHorsemen Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Well if you're gonna do it heterosexually, there are no female halflings or gnomes as playable races....(don't forget half-orc females, as they need loving too)

    but if you're gonna make homosexual...why retsrict it....

    if you're gonna get taken up the ass, you might as well be a pudgy dwarf :p

    And the mechanics you're proposing seem to make a lot of sense....and in theory....and I mean in could probably add that to EVERYONE's Dialogue.....

    Imagine the comedy....

    "Hey Kerghan...I know I'm supposed to kill ya but whatta ya say we get to know each other first"

    "Hey Stringy Pete...I got a new bone for ya!"

    Obviously you won't be adding it to everyone's...but maybe you could pepper the option in for a few key characters.....
  19. SoulKina

    SoulKina New Member

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    Mar 13, 2009
    Nono, everyone (minute races, big fugly green races, etc). I want to screw Virgil with a closet-homo Dwarf. And I meant climb the stair not climb the store. Ain't climbing no stores in that tunnel. And an evolving dialog would be the best option to go in term of storyline, 'cause if you do a "Let's get busy... NOW!" dialog option to Virgil at the anytime conversation, you MUST add the option to have relations with Raven at anytime you want too.

    About Virgil.
    1) Maybe something like 15 Beauty, 15 Charisma (and expert persuasion), reaction 101+.
    2) 10 Beauty, 8 Charisma and 61+ reaction. That lazy bum would boink a cow if he was horny.
    3) MUST add a male option.
  20. Yuki

    Yuki Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 28, 2009
    Virgil has to be gay. It is written.
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