Arcanum - Evaluation of the technical side.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dragoon, Jul 27, 2001.

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  1. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001
    This is getting interesting.

    I buy only "San Miguel" The tastiest beer around. I think it is mexican or something.

    Also the moose are dangerous. I read in the paper recently of woman who was running late. She ran down the stairs to catch the bus and ran in to a moose. She feel to the ground and the moose onlu lookd at her before scampering on. She missed the bus and returned to her apartment to call work. They didn't believe her story for being late. (Don't know if I would either).

    We do get alot of tourists. Don't get to many norwegian her in the south. Since the bridge we do get a few danish people. Some get apartments here, coz it is cheaper.

    Dragoon. The beer you refered to are probably light beer. Can't get any stronger in normal stores.

    Also my connection is Telia's "Broadband". 512 Kb. It shouldn't be called "broadband" but what to do.

    Peace all.

  2. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001

    I were talking about people coming here to make money, not those that come to spend money :smile: And where are u from anyway Monkey?


    San Miguel?? Never heard of it, Where do u buy it? And i dont belive that story either.. sound wierd, she ran into the Moose where? In the stairs? :grin:
  3. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001

    She ran in to the moose on the street, just outside her apartment. As I said it was in the papers and other people saw the moose to. The cops were trying to locate it, but no luck. It wasn't a full growned moose. Born last year.

    San Miguel you buy in the only place that sells alcohol in sweden. The 'Systembolaget'. The govorment runs this.

  4. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001
    Hey! I know what "systembolaget" is im Swedish remember? U said it was beer, u can buy beer in local stores to.

    I still dont understand the moose thing, didnt she see it? Or did it move to fast for her? :grin: :grin:
  5. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001

    She was late for work. She ran out of her apartment building and a few steps outside she ran into the moose. She didn't have time to stop and lock as the bus was about to leave.

    i know you can buy beer in general stores, but this is starköl. light in color and the tastiest beer around. Try it sometimes. If you are fond of light beer I can surely recomend this. It have a alcohol level of 5.8 I think.

  6. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 9, 2001

    She must have been in a real hurry.

    The next time i go to "systembolaget" ill buy some. Its Mexican u said? Never tried Mexican
    beer before. Ohh well.. I guess theres a first time for everything.
  7. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    To run into a moose on your way to work sounds so unrealistic that it might be true. But we live in a world where people tend to believe rather a probable lie than an improbable truth.

    I didn't drink that San Miguel beer, most probably it was simply too expensive for me at least. Anyway if any of you guys happens to visit Poland then I'd propose 'Zywiec' (in correct spelling there is a single dot over Z) or 'Palm' (tastes much like Zywiec and also has that beautiful amber colour). And if someone is into stronger beers than there is no other like strong 'Okocim'.

    You just enjoy being cruel don't you;) I've a modem with no perspectives for a constant connection and I'm really happy to get 1-3KB/s while connecting to some out of Poland server but this only happens when the proxy server isn't down and if it is I can get no more than up to 0,8KB/s.

    I meant those people too, that's what I came for after all.
  8. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001

    Wow.. poor u with that connection :smile:. Here in Sweden u can buy 600k connections for like 90$ from Telia. And have them install it a few days after u order it. And the Moose thing sounds really wierd. How can anyone miss a Moose?
  9. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    Grab a beer, sit back comfortably and listen to a little story about internet connection in Poland.


    One provider with monopoly. Others practically don't matter as they cover single cities or even certain areas within the cities, though some of their offers are very interesting.

    Poor internet user.

    Choice 1. Buy a modem and pray that proxy server will work. Cost of connection is ~1,6$ for an hour if connection takes place between 8.00-18.00 Between 18.00-8.00 it's ~0,8$.

    Choice 2. ISDN Possibility of reaching 64kbits or 128 if you connect two channels doubly charged in that case of course. You are not sure to get it cause firms have priority and besides they must decide whether there are proper conditions met.

    Choice 3. SDI (Fast Internet Access) - constant connection, 2Mbits 'guarantee' (though if speed is lower you only have right to pay bills and be happy). ~250$ for installation and ~40$ per month. Of course walk on your knees or better crawl while walking into the office when you want to ask for it. If you're not in the city center or you don't have brand new telephone stuff installation then forget about it.

    Choice 4. Possible to purchase from September for modem users. Whole 30hrs in a month for ~15$.

    And what's the fee per month? BTW you wouldn't have some 3KB to spare from your 10Mbits bradband, now would you?:)
  10. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001

    Yeah the 900kbits connections are free once its installed. :smile: And the SDI, is it really 250$ for install and then 40$ a month? That really sucks. Its 290$ the first month! :sad:
    Nice story. I enjoyed it with some coke. :smile:

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Diemon on 2001-08-13 00:49 ]</font>
  11. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    Yeah the 900kbits connections are free once its installed.

    …………..(stumbling on the floor) We're losing him! Max charge - now!!!……beep…beep…

    [Dragoon after doctors managed to save me].

    Your news is simply killing me Diemon. How does one gain Swedish citizenship:)

    As for SDI price. 1000 (or 999 perhaps)Zlostys (Polish currency) for install. 4Zlotys are worth about 1$ (roughly, a little more than 4 perhaps right now). And 160Zlotys per month. Remember the fact that having the money is not enough. They must decide you're 'worthy' of it. Oh, and the average salary in Poland is around 200-250$ I think after paying taxes (I'll have to check that though might be even significantly more but I doubt more than some 300-400$). I'll let you know when I check it. Hence practically every person that I know that has this connection shares it with other most commonly 7-10 people to make it an affordable thing.
  12. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    What I did is first I click the shop's sign then click the world map so that it will be marked then. I go to another store with a sign and click on the world map and the mark or the shop appears.
  13. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    Thx though I found it but didn't post or I don't remember posting about it anyway. However in my case it's not about clicking on a sign - I have to highlight a sign, leave cursor over it and turn on map screen. Can't say it's convenient.
  14. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001
    I dont like the map system either. But hey! I never use the map. :smile: only the world map when traveling between areas

    And Dragoon, the average salary in Sweden would be like.. i dunno.. maybe 20000 crowns (Swedish currency) and thats like 2000$. So its quite some diffrence there. Poor Polish people :sad:
  15. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    It aint that terrible. Prices are on average half of those in Sweden. At least as far as food and similiar products are considered. It's really bad if you have only average or lower alary esp that comparing Swedish social system, which is almost legendary, to Polish one is like comparing heaven to hell. Though if this system would be exactly copied from Sweden I guess it would be often misused by people who don't want to work or want to get both social and work at the samre time.
  16. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001
    Ohh and Dragoon, The 900kbits connections aint free. They cost 9$ a month. No bigge really but dont get any more hearth attackes ok?
  17. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    9$ per month. I can only dream about it. Though my provider is showing some mercy and since September there will be possibility of purchasing 30 hours for a month for 13$/month if you're using modem.

    BTW Diemon if you accidentaly discover during some party that your beer companion is working for Telia please do utter a word that there is such country like Poland where internet users would be willing to kill for such connection at such prices. :wink:
  18. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 9, 2001
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