Add more money useing hex editor.

Discussion in 'ToEE Hints & Tips' started by CharlesBHoff, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    I was playing round ing with than hex editor on this game seeing it I can edit anything. I found away to give you 30000 platinium piese with 30000 gold and 30000 silver coins.
  2. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
  3. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    The place that store info on your money doesnot stay at the same hex address. The Hex address is the address of than single bytes of data being store. Acturaty everythind on your harddrine is written in birany nunber ststem. The Hex numbering system is than 16 base system where 10= 16 in the base 10 system.. Before you change any value in a file it best to write drown the hex address and the value in hex of what you are changeing in case it the wrong value you change so you can goes back to change it to it orginate value.. Donot change any operational system files as you can total screw up your computer.

    Most hex editor have than find funtion so enter in the hex value of what number you are looking for, many hex editor allow you to use decimal and ascii in the find funtion also.. So since we are starting the game with 500 gold enter the 500 in hex with low value first and then hight value as almost all IBM based comouter storage number that way, some IBM and other type of operation system store hight value first and then low value.

    Than example 500 in hex is 01f4 or 1f4 so you enter f401 into the find funtion. 1000000 in hex is 0f4240 so enter into find funtion 40420f.
    Some game company also use the other way of enter number value to fool disk disk hacker.
  4. Frigo

    Frigo Active Member

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    Jan 21, 2006
    Yeah, the only problem is generally there are many place where you find the same hex value, and you must try each value (there are games where the money is stored only on two bytes, making it even more impossible to do so). Plus, if there is compression in the save file or if there's CRC or MD5 hash checking, it is basically fucked.

    Once I wrote a little proggy when tinkering with Arcanum savefiles. It could compare 2 save files with given attribute values, if their addresses were the same (it was very risky to use because of the always expanding save and the fact the game didn't always store the values on the same place) . It could operate in byte, word and longint mode. I don't remember exactly on which Arcanum's basic character points were stored, but I've found them. I also thought to implement tolerance to shifts in data, but I was sure it would be too slow.
  5. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    I will load unto my machine the many C and C++ programs I have and learn C firdt and then C++.

    In Master of Orion to make change to the planetary date I count bytes from the start of star name the star have.. Micropose in UFO Inpter the last one where you in outerspace at the start or in readme writen down the place you will find value you want change and what they are and the range of values each will take and they very politely ask you to not change anything elso.
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