I was wondering why I hadn't yet felt at home here again. Bots. Russian bots. Now I feel better. All is back to normal.
I don't speak Russian, I just used an on-line translator so it didn't make that much sense. It says something about buying forums, and that the link is supposed to have information about it.
IIRC, didn't the bot get automatically culled. Or even prevented from creating an account. That is something else that is still in the works, yes?
This particular bot joined in December. Coincidentally more than a thousand bots joined over the course of a few days in December. I deleted most of them, but it was done in batches and I couldn't be arsed to go through all the new users manually, so some have surely slipped through.
Oh come on. What else to you admin types have to do besides take care of our needs and cater to our whims. Surely you are immune to the trails and responsibilities of life. Why, I remember Vorak saying sometime in the past, "My greatest joy was dealing with board members petty crap". Or did he say 'screw off'? I always get those confused.