Yes. They have. Perhaps giving a bit more of a cohesive message and providing details as to how/why you're stuck will assist us in helping you. Also, hello.
I'm curious, with that trick what if you let the Chosen One continue to the edge of the world map? Do they just stop, or do they appear on the opposite side (if you go off the bottom of the map you appear again at the top)?
[youtube][/youtube] The player reaches the edge of the map and the travel stops.
I felt slightly unsure if Chosen One was correct when I typed it, I think it's because I remembered Virgil saying it at the crash site.
Re: It's "Living One" iirc. Virgil calls you "The Chosen One, er, Living One" as a callback to Fallout 2
Haha, that was always the first thing I noticed. I still have a pavlovian response to the level up sound from Fallout 2; if I heard it now, I'd reach for a bong that's not there. I think it started more as a way to pace my intake rather than reward gameplay. This may explain how I started my habit of restarting games - there's more levelups at the beginning.