I've just ran through Black Mountain mines, I'm a summoner with high beauty, charisma, and persuasion. I have no idea whats going on with some of my followers, currently I have dog, Sogg and Virgil. Virgil's reaction is hanging on okay, dog is a bit below neutral and mugg's is steadily dropping and is currently down to suspicious 36. I read about bribes, and I've talked to Virgil, and gave wine to Sogg and neither of them are improving their reaction. Sogg is extremely useful and I'd feel bad losing him. Also I've never made any of them wait. As for my game, i have the most recent official arcanum patch, as well as the most recent Drog patch.
You must be wearing some kind of barbarian armor which gives you a reaction penalty. Dog is an animal, so his reaction should never drop under normal circumstances.
Im not sure what happened, maybe just my eyes fooling me, but Dog is back at neutral 50. However I gained Chukka in the party, and both him and Sogg have a suspicion of me. My background is debutante, female, elf. Perhaps their reaction is due to me being elven? Or Female? Im good aligned so I don't see why Chukka was iffy from the start. But putting those 2 aside, I still cannot manage to bribe anyone, perhaps im just an idiot and doing it wrong.
Are you sure you're not using any equipment with reaction penalties? Also, followers might get angry if you do 'bad' things, like picking pockets or lockpicking owned chests.
No injuries, the only things im wearing is War Boots, poison resistance ring, magick armor and mage staff thats all, i stripped each one and no changes. Like I said, dog is back at neutral, and virgil is courteus 67, but the two ogres are down to 34-37 And ofcourse no one accepts any bribes =\
Well, I guess that's normal. Half-Ogres and Ogres are a bit racist. As you can see you're suffering a -15 penalty with Sogg and -20 with Chukka. BTW, you can also use fate points to boost their reactions.
Well that sure helped me figure it out, sucks I chose ogres for my companions then. However do you know why the bribes don't work? I havent ever tried them on anyone before, so I am not quite sure how to approach it, and I do not wish to waste precious fate points on it =\
Are you playing the unpatched game? Sometimes if you're playing without the official patch, followers' reactions will drop during fights if they get hit by a lot of arrows.
I believe the archer-related bug was still present in the latest official patch, unfixed until the UAP.
Thanks for the help fellas, it turned out that it was the racism, as I started comparing ogres v. everyone else and there was a distinct difference. I guess I just hadnt notice until that point.