:roll: k someone maybe has a bit more imput?
well, I started over and am past SH, been in Cumbria and Blackroot, and having the exp meter at lvl 10. then I decided that all the violence...
sorry to dig this thread up again....but better then creating a new one, right? I have 8 charisma, and a persuasion skill, but Sogg wont join...
hmm....so Virgil is pretty much useless now as I'm indeed a bit techy.... I read in some other threads that the opinions on Janya arent very...
what does np or nt or something (cant remember excactly anymore) mean that stands on my armor description i get from a Ruffian. has it aslo...
I wonder why all the very experienced players who seem to know about everything and have played the game in about every possible way still play?...
if you lockpick and succeed, will the people around you/shopkeeper get pissed? are there any late-game problems I might encounter when I...
being able to defeat the portal creatures
is it actually possible to place it on creatures like rats and such? I tried it and I did lose 1 dynamite, but maybe it just got lost.
what would be an appropiate level for a lockpicking, pickpocketing, persuavive, melee fighter Half Elf? (btw, is such char playeble and any...
which button is for the autosave? how many turns does it take for dynamite to go of in turnbased combat? it seemed 8+ atleast (then i died...)
you arent. you are meant to take on the challenges in tarant, which if you do a sewercrawl to start with, would see you fighting rats primarily....
This is the current situation: I'm lvl 8, have Virgil and Sogg. I've finished almost all quests at crashsite, SH and am busy doing my things in...
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