I can't do that ! My alignment is 100 in the good side. and my followers don't like evil actions. I think the best solution is to cheat !!!!!
Sorry i made a mistake
How i find it ? I come from the pit of fire (traduction from french) where i found the blade to kill the monster of caladon, i'll try to find the...
Try learning the explosives skills (the 1st level is sufficient) you can easily make molotov explosives, all the elements can be found at Tarant....
So stupid...... My followers pick up all the things i don't want, and when i found the place, virgile pick ups the stone, i don't see that. some...
I need help please, I have lost the stone found for repairing the temple in Vooriden and i cannot find another one. So I cannot find a ship,...
I think I found the reason of bad reactions from Magnus : Every times my alignment is increased, he tell me that he dont like my manners, and...
I try all this things... Thanks for your answer, but i already try this things. My character skills : Alignment : 44 Persuasion : Expert,...
I have a big problem : my two followers Virgile and Magnus wants to leave the party because i fight too much in the dwarf mines. How can i...
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