Arcanum Facades 169 - 204 |
Fascade |
Description |
Isometric View |
Base Terrain |
169-171 - Trn_Trk |
I cho-cho-choose you! Three different sized train tracks. Other than track length, the pieces are the same
apart from minor coloration of the wood planks. Note that *all* facades with train tracks use the same
spacing, so they can be easily layered on top of one another without worrying about overlaps.
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172 - Trn_Eng1 |
Front half of a train pointing East. |
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173 - Trn_Eng2 |
Front half of a train pointing West. |
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174 - Trn_Cab1 |
The caboose for piece #172. Caboose is train-talk for "ass-end" |
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175 - Trn_Cab2 |
The ass-end of piece #173. Ass-end is swear-talk for "caboose" |
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176 - Trn_Cars1 |
Extra cars for either train set. Symetrical, so you can add as many cars as you little heart desires. |
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177 - Caladon01 |
Caladon Castle, more or less Right Center Edge. |
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178 - Caladon02 |
Caladon Castle, Upper Right Corner |
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179 - Caladon03 |
Caladon Castle, Upper Edge Center-Right |
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180 - Caladon04 |
Caladon Castle, Upper Edge Center-Left |
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181 - Caladon05 |
Caladon Castle, let's call it Inner Left Center |
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182 - Caladon06 |
Caladon Castle, Inner Left Edge-ish. |
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183 - Caladon07 |
Caladon Caste, Oh, just look at the top view I made. |
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184 - Caladon08 |
Caladon Castle, Lower Right Big Tower |
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185 - Caladon09 |
Caladon Castle, Lower Right Little Tower |
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186 - Caladon10 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Bottom Right |
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187 - Caladon11 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Bottom Center |
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188 - Caladon12 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Bottom Left |
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189 - Caladon13 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Lower Left Edge |
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190 - Caladon14 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Center Left Edge |
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191 - Caladon15 |
Caladon Castle, Wall Upper Left Edge |
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192 - Caladon16 |
Caladon Castle, Upper Left Tower |
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Caladon Castle Complete |
This should give you a rough idea of where the pieces for the castle go. |
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193 - Train_Tunl_1 |
This is a fake tunnel where your fake trains can go. Works with all the East/West trains and tracks.
That is pieces #169-176. Fits against mountains. Entirely blocked
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194 - Train_Tunl_2 |
This is a fake tunnel for trains pointing the other way. Works with any North/South trains and tracks.
So far, I haven't seen any, but I'm only at #194. Also fits against mountains. Entirely blocked
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195 - Wolf-Cave |
Little cave entrance into mountain. Dirt in front of cave not blocked. This is exactly like the cave-entrance
from the Passages scenery list.
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196 - Vendigroth-Fish |
The ruins of a big mechanical fish. I'm not sure what tile goes correctly as a background for this,
which is why I've marked this row in pink.
(I'm hoping this facade marks the beginning of single huge facades, versus tons of little puzzle pieces)
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198-201 - DarkElf 1-4 |
NOTE: All the Dark Elf facades are unlit. You will need to provide lighting. These screenshots were made
with ambient lighting turned off
This is pretty much like the elf village (pieces #64-79), except there are only 4 pieces in a 2x2 grid.
Like the other elf village, the all dark elf village facades share the same symetrical background so can
be easily placed next to each other.
TIP: For a professional looking dark elf village (meaning like what Troika did), you will need to
use piece #198 & 199 to complete your tree. Place #199 to the bottom left of your grid and #198 below that.
Use #204 to remove the disc parts on your new tree. Cover the funny looking edges with some scenery. Dead shrubs
work nicely.
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202 - DarkElf-Bridge1 |
East/West bridge for connecting Dark Elf villages. Lines up just below the disc on the left and on the disc
on the right.
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203 - DarkElf-Bridge2 |
North/South bridge for connecting Dark Elf villages. They're easy to line up, you'll figure it out. |
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204 - DarkElf-TreeSwatch |
Same as #159 Elf Tree Base. This is a "blank" facade for use in making a Dark Elf Village. |
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