Okay, this will be easy, try to stay with me here. One morning, while pouring yourself a glass of tasty grape juice, you notice something odd. Apparently, those slightly green things you found in the cupboard and promptly swallowed the night before, have now given you mystic Super Power(s)!™ The Super Power(s)!™ You now posses seems to mimic your real life skills, somehow enhancing the best quality about you to Super level! Now, the question is, how would you use these powers? And what would they/it be? I myself would become invisible, and I’d spend a whole day watching TV, indoors. When I finally had to go out, I would probably go naked, wearing only a stuffed eagle on my head, making swooping dives towards people, trying my best to sound like a big bald ravenous bird. Ending off looting as much free gum as possible from the local Stop’n’shop before returning to my dark chamber of Invisibility-ness to concoct more heinous schemes for the following day. Now it's your turn. Tell me about your Super Power(s)!™ day!
i'd kill you. with my Super Duper I'm So Spiffy It Hurts Powah of Kicking Your Punk Ass. because you annoy the crap out of me, and i don't even know you. good job! :thumbup:
I'd make an army of robots to do everything for us, so I wouldn't have to have a job, and could instead do whatever the hell I wanted each and every day.
I'ld get some skills. Like nunchuk skills, or bowhunting skills, or computer hacking skills. I need skills...