same as in topic - i dont need explain but just want to know how can I set up random attack by for example bandits which I made by myself, after f.e. finshed a quest. something like this Table 54 // Stillwater Bunny {55400}{50%, First: 28463, 1, GlobalFlag: 2702, TriggerCount: 1} but i dont know how to set up specyfic npc in it hope that You will undesttand my poor eng
I'm afraid I can't be of much help to you except to post this link for the section of the on-line version of the WorldEd manual explaining random encounters: ... c529158780 I've haven't created any new encounters, and never fully figured the set-up out. There is a thread called "Random Encounters" you might want to take a look at. Perhaps it will have the piece of info that'll let you successfully make your new encounter.
I haven't spent a whole lot of time with random encounters, although I did successfully get it to work for a small mod i'm making - the first one I made with a world map (and thank God I did that before making the map for the one I'm making now, i would've really screwed it up) Whether you want your bounty hunters to talk or not, you're probably going to have to edit protos. However, if you're making a completely new mod, I guess you could steal the ones from the orc bandits, the apparition of arronax, and bates' bounty hunters. What i have in mind is this: have your mod create the bounty hunters in the same way as arcanum, but replace the actual scripts and dialog attached to them for your mod. So, your mod creates bounty hunters just like arcanum does, but you can make them say anything you want by putting .dlg and .scr files in your mod with the exact same names as the orc bandits use. I don't have much (any) experience with protos, but i believe they include what scripts if any are associated with each script attachment point. Since these characters start dialog immediately upon appearing to the PC, they probably use heartbeat or firstheartbeat attachment points, so you can change those scripts to make them look different than the orcs in Arcanum (change art, equipment, level, race, change skills by first changing level scheme then adding additional levels and character points, etc.)