Whats your favorite character choice???

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by The Chosen One, Aug 14, 2002.

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  1. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    My first character was an Elven mage with the following skills:

    Pick Pocket-Expert
    Magik- Conveyance, Force, Summoning, Phantasm

    I like this type of character. Bows have a good advantage as you can kill enimies from one position and they hafta come to you so you don't need to any running around from badie to badie.
    Jolt in the force magik is very useful for leveling up since you can zap everyone around you and Pick pocket ensures you get alot on cash.
    I supose my elf was alot like Robin Hood as I'd rob the rich f*@#ers and give money to the poor begars. (Your good meter increases when you give away gold to them beggars) :D

    What about you guys???? Lemme know about your character choices and why. Also feel free to include some of your favoroured battle tactics
  2. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    Welcome to the House of Lords....Chosen One.

    anyway, my favourite character was a mage who concentrated in Archery and Persuade. Dabbled in Melee and Dodge. High Dex, High Cha, Low Con.

    Magick - Conveyance to the max, Force, Mental, and Fire to mid-level. A bit of Water and Meta.

    I never found much use for Summoning and Phantasm somehow.

    My second most favourite character was a techie with mastery in Firearms. A generic gunslinger actually. Dabbled in Explosives.

    My third most favourite was a thief, but she soon got too rich.
  3. piff133

    piff133 New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    My first charcater was like yours, a female elf, with master pickpocket, master dodge, master melee, first few levels in a few schools, and maxed out electric skills. I also had a few points in persuasion. She's now level 50 and has taken all of Tarant (but I didn't save)
  4. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    my current char is a level 20 elf with all of conveyence, harm, and some or white necro. im an expert bowman with virgil, sogg, magnus, and dog to help me. i started witht he chatlans protege backround to help me with getting followers. im about to get thorvald and chukka so ill be all set for combat. im also gonna go for force after i get resurrect. of course all of this cant be done until i figure out how to get arcanum to load.

    basically what happens is it goes through the sierra and troika animations and gets to the arcanum loading screen, then it just goes blank and puts me back into windows, any suggestions?
  5. Crazed_Cow2069

    Crazed_Cow2069 New Member

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    Aug 14, 2002
    well i don't know i've been puting up the same damn post type for a while but no one seems to answer.

    :cool:_ :minigun: (kill the smoker)
  6. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002

    this is the second day of it
  7. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    Sorry I didn't see your post. But don't you think that a post by a "Chosen One" would be more likely to receive a reply than one from a...

    *looks at the topic review to find out the guy's name*

    ..a Crazed Cow..

    And your post is different. Chosen is just asking us to share our favourite characters. Are you actually going to let someone tell you what character to play? Don't.

    Arcanum is different not because of superb graphics or an outstanding storyline. It's good because it lets you create a character that YOU want to be. (The setting also rules).

    sure, you may have it easy playing a melee character with high STR and DEX. but you won't enjoy yourself as much.
    You have to play the game at *least* twice. Explore the differences between magick and technology. that's what the setting is about anyway. You're missing out on a lot if you create your character just to have an easy time killing monsters.
  8. Menkhur

    Menkhur New Member

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    Aug 6, 2002
    My character:

    Halfling Thief
    DEX: 22
    STR: 12
    PE: 16

    BEAUTY: 6

    No one likes him and that's OK. He's a loner, usually trevelling with just a healer trailing in behind him, when needed.
    No Magic or Thech skills developed.

    Bow: MASTER
    Dodge: MASTER
    Melee: MASTER
    Pickpockets: MASTER
    Picklocks: MASTER
    Prowling: EXTER (soon to be master)

    Weapon of choice: Bow - Speed 23 + 5

    RPG Style: Subterfuge
    Pick pocket all, including those you deliver goods to. Say you have a quest to retrieve an item. Get he item in the most sutble way, avoiding combat where necessary, and when you DO have to fight, shower them with arrows before they are even close to you.
    Do to being alone, it requires some planning, so Combat in Turn based mode is better.
    After completing the quest, pickpocket them for the item you delivered and then sell it.
    After you buy an item, pick pocket them for the money you just spent.
    Since I can not persuade or negotiate with them, I usually pick pocket all character to see what I can find. I have completed MANY quests this way.

    This is not a hack and slash character, and that is what I really like about it.
    I also hold no alegiance to either Magic or Technology. I use the one I need at the moment.

    Hope this information helps you.
  9. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    My faviorite character so far is a half-orc who was raised by orcs, ive mastered all perceptive skill and am using books to make usefull items. When I get enough 5 spare skill points ill drink an essence of intelligence and finish off the electric tree. My strategy is to prowl behind some neutral person (stringy pete) and shoot them with a lokking glass rifle before they notice.
  10. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    At present I have a half-elf, charismatic female nature mage.
    I plan to learn the nature, temporal, morph and water schools of magik.
    Combat skill will be throwing (I tried it for the first time and its amazin!)
    She'll also be slightly skilled in pickpocket and a master of persuation and haggle. :D :wink:
  11. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    i also play a charismatic half elf thrower, its a very fun combination to be able to knock people off from range or relying on a horde of friends to knock him senseless, i went for force, conveyence and partial necro white. it seems to me that temporal is more suited to a melee character than a ranged one, but it should still be cool, enjoy
  12. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Thanks ^_^

    I was attracted to Temporal Magic because the second spell (halvs speed of all enemies in vacinty) this would give you a great advantage in battle no matter what type of attacker you are. (ranged, melee, magic etc)

    I don't really see much of a use for Magelock , do you? The only thing I used it for was locking the chest full of stuff in my house (Daniel Hallaway gives you a room forever if you do the antique strongbox quest)

    For me one of the best if not THE best bits of the game if choosing your starting character, I LOVE IT ! I'll be honest and say that I have never actually finished Arcanum *Hangs head in shame* but I've got about 4 or 5 dif characters at dif points in the game. Hehe.

    I think next I'll try and come up with a very origonal charcter that i've neevr done before. That will mean having a techy....maybe evil...what else???????
  13. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    i think character creation is one of the most fun parts of the game. i already have my next character planned out, an extremely intelligent and persuasive gunslinger character with a large group of followers that focus on range or those with skill in other tech schools.
  14. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Thats sounds like a good charater, who would you have who used ranged weapons tho ? *sounds intresting* 3:)

    Ok, I've got an idea for my next character ........ *proceeds to improvise*

    ermmm.... lol
    Ok here goes.....

    Very intelligent (He's a book worm, int +1 pe -1) Halfling techy Theif. Has small amout of combat skills and only dabbling in melee and dodge to make better use of backstab which will be masterd like all the other theiving skills.
    Gaining Lv2 on Smithy to make balanced swords early on will give follows a quick and deadly blade and later on mastering Electrics and Mechanics to make combat a breeze, while the funding for all the tech devices etc will come from exessive theivery. 3:)
  15. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    ranged followers are sebastian, raven, vollinger, and possibly a few others. to round out the crew will be jayna stiles, dog, and magnus
  16. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Im not sure about that Vollinger, theres something just not quite right about him. (Shut up Virgil, he's better than you) 3:) Hehe.

    SOMEONE HELP ME !!!!! When Im not playing Arcanum Im thinking up yet ANOTHER new style of charcter. Does any1 else have this problem ?

    Latley I've been fantisising about a Female Dark Elf with Master Haggle, Master Bow, Expert Pick Pockt and LOADS of magik...... 3:)
  17. Luinil

    Luinil New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 22, 2002
  18. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    Sorry I have too many to post but i like almost any kind of magic-user-fighter combo :rifle:
  19. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Owwww Im gonna get that Vollinger, sounds mysterious and fascinating ^_^ ....good job I can have 5 followers eh? Right now I have Virg, Sog, Dante (This guy is great!), Gar and soon Vollinger. I ditched that retard magnus, he pisses me off.

    Sebastian sounds very very good.

    Oh and Hel Kaht, plz post your ideas for characters, its my fave topic to talk about 3:)
  20. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

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    Aug 27, 2002
    Ok, one of the main reasons that I REALLY like Arcanum is because of the role playing oppertunities. So for lots of laughs go for either a brain damaged gnome (funny hearing the little guy talk like an idot) or a gnomish Ladies Man (funny seeing all the ladies kiss up to a migit)

    for battle fun create a mage who is good at Tempus fugit you'll be killing stuff in your sleep :zzz:
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