Trade Window Issue

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by methodical, Sep 26, 2001.

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  1. methodical

    methodical New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2001
    Okay, I've thoroughly stumped the brilliant techs at Sierra with this bug (to the point where they had told me to send them the game back for a refund). Whenever I am in the trading window (i.e. with a vendor or with a party member) I can not access the items in their inventory when they are below the original viewable window. I can scroll down using the scroll bar but as soon as I move the mouse the window shoots back up to the top. If I time it correctly, I can catch an item but I do not have any information about that item. I am running an 1Ghz Athlon, 256 MB SDR, Creative Labs GeForce 2MX, Guillemot Muse Sound, and Win 98 SE. I have tried adjusting the resolution, re-installing the mouse drivers, re-installing the game, repairing the game, re-installing the patch, re-installing my mouse drivers, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    P.S. I had this same problem when I played the demo prior to purchasing the game. The demo had been completely uninstalled prior to loading the full version.
  2. Ioo

    Ioo New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2001
    hmm, do u let go of the mouse button after you move the mouse off the bar?.. also mousewheel should work
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