Has anyone ever tried getting 3 boats when you go to Thanatos?If you have 50000 gp you can buy one, if you are master haggle you can win the other, and you can solve Stingy Pete's quest to get the third.I think i'll try it later, when i develop such a character, but if someone did it before me i'd like to know what the results are...
Personally, I prefer getting it from stingy pete since it would put his soul at rest while you still get his boat. Then again, if you're evil you might just want to hack him to pieces and keep his damned soul suffering for eternity while still keeping the treasure and the sword!
Is this counted as a grave-dig? If not, I'm misstaken and apologize. Well, since I've done evertyhing, I've of course done this as well. More experiance, I say.
This grave-dig was kind of bad. It was a nice posts by paladinlover but the two people with the same avatars made it bad.
Somehow, I think your right. But we should still try and hunt him down and yell at him to fix his avatar. Quincy, would you please start the hunt?
>>>Spiking Monitering Systems.................................Done >>>Sever connected >>>Enter Password ************* >>>Waiting... >>>Waiting... >>>Waiting... >>>Password Confirmed. Welcome Dead_Fox >>>Awaiting Instructions execute--->evilweevilv8.73 target--->"Corvin Marcus" send >>>Hunter Dispatched >>>Disconnected It's only a matter of time now...