Look I've been playing the Arcanum Demo for ages and I always thought that Magic and Machinery were evenly matched but I realised that Techno is much superior in the money Dept. by starting a game as an *Idiot* Savant I became a chemical, herb, explosives and Mech expert using the rae-tse(I can't spell) the idiot XP Trader method I ammased 50 grand by buying ingrediants and Selling the Product. EG. Have Sugar and fertiliser bought for $27 I get 6 smoke grenades, I sold for $303 each! without Haggle and beauty bonases!?
Yes.. Tech is better I am Level 21 Drawf and yes I preferred to venture into the tech side esp. so when u buy future Schematics. There are simply too many things to invent in Arcanum, truly a great game.... maybe an expansion pack is coming out soon next yr???
But... Mages don't need alot of money. Their *power* is rechargable so they might not need as much money as a techie.
The money is not a subject in Arcanum world. You can allways steal the money, gather treasures (especially if you have multiple followers) and sell those, you can do as described above, or you can use the glitches in the game. What ever is your choice, one of the greatest things in the game is that the money can be made in every way you can think of, no matter what kinda char you play.
Though techies are the only ones that can make money by sitting on their (presumably) fat arses. Also Enzo Mages need to buy faitgue potions, robes and magical amulets, ring etc. ith to kalrissian If you agree kill Xavier
Ummm, why would you kill me? I didnt say you were wring, just pointed out, that the money isn't as important is in a lot of other games.
True, but could you go through the game broke? I'm sure there are many quests that require cold hard cash.Seen? Ip Too Kay Everyone yell haray
Yes, of course, but that doesn't mean that the money would be somehow hard to obtain. So in that wat, the money is no subject. You can allways get some, in one way or another.
Power Overwhelming! Notice how in the beginning, bullets and batteries were SOOOOOOOOOoooo expensive? Then suddenly you find yourself buying every bullet supply you can find!.. Muahahha Economic power is refreshing!..
Since my chracter is pretty much a thief/wizard kindad freak, I dont need fancy guns or superb armor. So at the moment, I have about 50.000gc in my pocket, and nothing to spend it on. It's fun to buy all the schematics just for the heck of it, but besides that, I haven't bought anything for a while.