Tech or Magic??

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Raziell, Jan 5, 2002.

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  1. Raziell

    Raziell New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 4, 2002
    What is better: tech or magic(why)?
  2. Skie88

    Skie88 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 6, 2001
    First of all Raziell, if nobody welcome u yet, Welcome to the Forum... :winknudge:

    Second, double posting is a criminal offense here.. :grin: Just kidding, I just want to tell u that u can delete ur misposted topic as long as nobody replied to it yet..

    Last, I believe the both magic and tech has their own strengths and weakness, so this topic will lead to an endless conclusion...:nod: I mean read the old topics like this, and it was a tie.
    But still, maybe this time it won't be.. :smoke:
  3. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 31, 2001
    I dont think it´s a draw here...

    Tech is good, no doubt, but I never played a game so easy being a mage.

    In Baldurs Gate for example, it´s pretty hard being a mage in the beginning, but in arcanum all you need is the harm spell and turnbased combat and nothing can kill you.
    The character I finished the game with yesterday were a mage, and I used the harm spell all the way untill I came to the final place and met the guardians "He" has, there I used Disintergrate and the game was completed. I´d say it is childishly easy to complete as a mage since Ore Golems and Fire Elementals can be killed with one spell and your armour or weapon dont have to take any damage at all.

    And as techie... You can create some good rifles, but they cant be compared with Harm or Disintergrate.

    So, a Mage beats a Techie any day of the week.
  4. Tallie

    Tallie New Member

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    Nov 26, 2001
    I think it can be summarized like this:

    1. Choose a mage if you want to play the game in a traditional and easy way.

    2. Choose a tech if you want to go the hard(er) way. Besides, it's the thing that's innovative about Arcanum, opposed to being a mage.
  5. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

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    Dec 31, 2001
    I didn´t say it would be mor fun playing a Mage since that wasn´t the question.

    It´s more fun playing a Techie since, as he said, it´s new. And you can make alot of cool stuff and different things happen.
    So you should play both, starting as a mage since it´s easier and it can be hard enough in the beginning the first time.
  6. Dr. Poo

    Dr. Poo New Member

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    Jan 5, 2002
    Go with techie, heres why

    first of all, dont listen to Recko, he found an exploit and used it to basically 'cheap' his way through the entire game. That's not fun. Clever maybe, but not fun and into the spirit of the game. It's pretty pathetic that online gaming is so filled with cheaters and exploiters, but its doubly pathetic when you have to cheat and exploit your way through a single player campaign.

    If your gonna be like Recko and look for cheese methods, you might as well just find out where the cheat codes so you can give your self godmode , and unlimited cash. That will really be fun, gee...

    Ok, now on to why Techies own.

    1. If your like me, you've already played a zillion games where you were a sword wielder or a mage. It's nice to be able to play a chemist / explosives expert, or a gunsmithy / gambling expert or whatever.

    2. Simply put, if you want to have cash to spend, you can make lots of cash, in a legit fashion, by selling some of the objects you make. For example, I can purchase black powder for something like 60 coins, and i can find metal cans in the trash cans. Then i combine the two for 3 explosive grenades, and i can sell each one for 615 gold. Thats 60 coins spend, 1845 made back after selling them.

    As far as I know, theres no comparable way to make cash if your a mage guy. I suppose if you are a pickpocket expert, you can make alot of cash, or if you are a gambling expert.

    but, having said this, my next game i am probably going with a magic/sword wielder or a thief/mage. Just for the hell of it, since i have already experienced the techie aspect of the game. But damn, i'm sure gonna miss all that great cash flow. I will have to make up for it by raising pickpocket up to expert/master level :smile:
  7. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 31, 2001
    Seems like you cant either write or read.

    1.I said it would be more fun as a techie. And so did you, but you made it look like I didn´t.
    2.I didn´t cheat, I just used the system like you did. You made shitloads of money cuz you could make bombs out of nothing and I killed easy cuz I knew magick.
    See the link?
    3.Read through posts and think about what you say before start calling people cheaters.
    I wanted to throw in a word in the end of that last sentence but I wont since I know better.
  8. Feldon Kane

    Feldon Kane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2001
    Haven't we had enough flame wars here in the last few days? I'm getting sick of it.
  9. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 31, 2001
    One simple reason for this one: I couldn´t stand being called a cheater.
  10. Cruor

    Cruor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 2, 2002
    Well both types are good, but in perspectives Arcanum is favored towards mages for the single purpose of the powerful spells, I mean I finished the game with a mage darknecr/summoning/mental and I also became a master of dark necromancy in Tulla wich made the harm spell instopable it only costed 2 fatigue to throw so I could kill the monsters before my followers even started to run towards them! So it's to easy being a mage...

    I am going to try a tech now and I expect a lot more recistence... and I also think It should be fun to try the money earning tactic! And also a tip to make it even better if you become a master at gambling you can gamble the components from shopkeepers and even weapons... I win 95% of the cases and don't have to pay a penny for it...

    as a conclution I'd have to say that in terms of combat without followers a mage with harm and disentegrate and other spells like that is more sucessful than a tech!

    I took out Kerghan without my followers with harm, just kept them coming to him... and I think that would be alot more difficult for a tech but then also more FUN!!!
  11. Cruor

    Cruor New Member

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    Jan 2, 2002
    And as a statement I didn't cheat and I also didn't do the gods quest would have wanted to but the damned Morindal wouln't accept my blackdiamond!
  12. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

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    Nov 17, 2001
    Well people are right, there is good sides and bad sides to both. Though overall, magic is easiest to do. Tech is more expensive and the game will take a few extra hours longer becaus you gotta hoof it everywhere.
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