Stuff at start depending on character?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Bonnie_Kitten, Nov 12, 2001.

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  1. Bonnie_Kitten

    Bonnie_Kitten New Member

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    Nov 12, 2001
    Ok, I have completed the game using a half-elf named Bonnie. At the start I killed this Kite Shaman who was near a magic chest that contained arcane robes, magic leather armor, charmed ring and other stuff that I can't remember.

    I go to play an elf with the same name and all I get is robes for a shorter race (useless for an elf!) and a few coins.

    HOW do I get the arcane robes and magic chainmail at the start playing an elf???

    Also, is there any way I can raise the amount of money at the start by cheating/using the unDAT utility?
  2. Maniac

    Maniac New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2001
  3. Criton

    Criton New Member

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    Aug 31, 2001
    I have to agree with Maniac. Cheating is no fun. Yes it is interesting to be able to kick ass early, but what fun would it be if you do not learn. I must thank people like Jarinor who give direction, but do not give spoilers. Deal with what you have and do your best. You will find things as the game progresses to make it more interesting.
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    Welcome to the forum Bonnie!
    The game is far too easy to cheat! unless you want a invemtory hack 'casue some stupid bug erased you item or something of the sort
  5. sal paradise

    sal paradise New Member

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    Nov 2, 2001
    The first time I played arcanum, I played a dwarf that found a whole load of useful stuff in that chest. I also found an arcane sword in a chest in the Bessie Toone mine in Shrouded Hills.

    When I play a character, I get what I get. But I have always wondered if the starting items are totally random in those and other locations? My guess is that they are. The stuff is easy enough to buy and find that it seems like it would be MORE trouble to create a new character if you didn't get a good draw. Besides, half the fun is finding the good stuff throughout the game. Who wants to start out with an Arcane set? That would be like starting a tech character who already knew all of the schematics.
  6. Ring lord

    Ring lord Member

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    Nov 4, 2001
    When i noticed that the chest containes different stuff with different characters i made a little expariment:
    every time i chose an elf(mostly), but with a different background.and every time i chose the background the containing of the chest was the same(not only for the elf,others too).
  7. Bonnie_Kitten

    Bonnie_Kitten New Member

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    Nov 12, 2001
    About wanting to cheat, I am sorry. I make items for Baldurs Gate 2 and want to learn how to modify this game too. I figured getting money would be a good place to start as I heard it was easy.

    Anyway... My half-elf character was EXACTLY the same as my elf character, except for race. I heard that it depended on the name you choose too, so I kept the same name cos I really want that arcane robe and magical leather armor.

    I don't want to have to choose some horrible background, (like beat with an ugly stick, just doesn't go well with my pretty girl elf) I just to get these great starting items.

    So if anyone knows what background and stats to choose for a female elf to get these items, please tell me!
  8. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    There's actually a thread about this somewhere. The contents of that starting chest are determined by your background and race at least (that's what I believe after performing experimentation), and someone else speculated that your name and skills also affect it...

    I guarantee you that if you choose the exact same starting stats as your first character did, you will have the same items in that chest.

    Also, one of the chests in the Bessie Toone mine has the same contents as one of the chests in P Schuyler & Sons...

    For more information, search for the old thread...
  9. elrat

    elrat New Member

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    Sep 25, 2001
    it's so funny how this actually resulted in my a half-elf mage...most of the cool robes i got were I couldn't wear them

    as a halfing mage...I got a lot of Large magic armor...same problem...

    as a dwarven techie...i got a lot of small (exactly my size)...magic (uh-oh)...plate armor... Good GOd! I couldn't wear it early in the game coz it was too heavy...nor could I carry it with ease!

    I could go on with my other games :smile: I just have fun everytime I restart my games to see the mix of stuff I get..
  10. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Hehehe, sometimes I get 125 gold and a kathorn crystal, othertimes I get magick plate mail, magick sword, magick shield and magick robes :smile:.
  11. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

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    Nov 17, 2001
    Yeah I think the stuff is random, I got some REALLY kick ass armor and about 100000 in coin plus 4 schematics, Its luck. Oh and Jinxed, that happend to one of my Cs, I went into the game and all my stuff was gone, every last freaking bit. Is there anyway to restore it all?? Email me if you know of a way cause I will probably forget I posted here. Thanks
  12. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    I would like to play rainmaker but I can't I can't cast magic spells and restore someones inventory. It's a bug a bug is a bug. Talk to Jarinor, he believes arcanum is bugfree, maybe his willpower will change the past and restore your inventory
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