Hello... I though : spending a character point for 4 HP or fatigue point (FP) is it really interesting ? I think players almost never do it, maybe should we up the gain of 4 HP or FP. So, I have two questions : 1) Does someone know how to change it ? I guess it is coded in Arcanum.exe So if someone could tell me the line to modify 2) What would be balanced : 5, 6, 8 HP/FP ? Thanks ^^ (CrossRoad's second demo translation is still in progress)
I am afraid I lack the ability to respond to the first question as I'm a newbie when it comes to modding Arcanum, but as for the balance, personally I think it should be changed to about 6. One single hit does more damage than that, so it gives you that slight chance to retreat and heal yourself. I only upgrade Health/Fatigue late-game when I have leveled all of my other attributes which I need for the character, but I would upgrade health/fatigue more often if the bonus would be better, as you still gain 2 health and fatigue per each character level-up.
You can change the actual HP gain for races, and about +100% seems to really make it worthwhile from my experience. 8 for a skill point does make a real difference, one that a player would actually consider over something else. Remember, character points are so finite, you have to make it worth it.
Ah? In the effect.mes doc? What is the correct line ? hpgain +100%? Does it just modify when you spend point or does it modify the normal gain when you reach a new level ? Thanks you
maxhps +25% maxfatigue +30% Can do negative values as well. This adjusts hp or ft from the base, so starting hitpoints and all gained naturally from level are multiplied as well, not merely the gain from a character point spent. Note that you will likely have to fuck around with the order/placement of values, as it will cause erroneous values in other stats sometimes. For example, you might see str natural 18, or some ridiculous age count. Check all your races in character creation. I think just changing the order of the values fixed it. Also have a vague recollection that removing some helped (removed some age adjustments as they were the least important when faced with such a choice). Also note I made it so that the major tiers of the blessings/offerings to gods also granted bonus %hp and %ft. The total came to 100% on gnomes for FT and 75% for hp on dwarf. Mine looks like: {64}{healrate +700%} // race_human {65}{st +1, cn +1, ch -1, dx -1, repair +2, firearms +2, picklock +2, techpts +3, age +80, maxhps +25%, healrate +700%} // race_dwarf {66}{wp +1, dx +1, be +1, cn -2, st -1, firearms -4, magicpts +3, maxhps -25%, maxfatigue +30%, healrate +700%} // race_elf {67}{dx +1, be +1, cn -1, firearms -2, magicpts +1, healrate +700%, maxhps -10%, maxfatigue +15%} // race_half_elf {68}{wp +2, haggle +2, badreactionadj +10, cn -2, age +70, healrate +700%, maxhps -35%, maxfatigue +50%} // race_gnome {69}{dx +2, prowling +2, dodge +1, crithitchance +5, st -3, age +30, healrate +700%} // race_halfling {70}{st +1, cn +1, melee +2, dodge +2, resistpoison +10, be -2, ch -2, age -5, healrate +700%} // race_half_orc {71}{st +4, resistdamage +10, be -1, in -4, prowling -2, healrate +700%} // race_half_ogre {72}{wp +1, dx +1, be +1, firearms -2, picklock -2, magicpts +3, age +180, healrate +700%, maxfatigue +50%} // race_dark_elf {73}{st +6, resistdamage +20, be -6, in -6, prowling -3, age +20, healrate +700%} // race_ogre {74}{st +2, cn +2, melee +2, dodge +2, resistpoison +20, be -4, ch -4, in -1, age -10, healrate +700%} // race_orc
Well, actually that would need I adjust the difficulty in all the module : I just looked for a way to change the gain for a level, not for all the hitpoints. That why I thought I would need to hex-edit the .exe file. I thanks you for your help, but I knew that line and that is not I wanted.