1. Lemon and potato charges. WHERE ARE THE MATERIALS?! 2. Someone tell me there's a way to have your npcs level up after you've hit the big 50. At the moment I'm timing their recruitment to sync as best as I can with my own level. 3. Schematic Spoilers ahoy: Are there Poison and Iron Arachnid schematics? Likewise, the Bellringer, Automation Gunner(ooer), and Clockwork Physician schematics? 4. Anyone found mithril platemail? Failing that, howabout large platemail for ogres? 5. Where's the item for the Master Throwing quest? I've searched the entire 'dungeon' and found nothing. Well, except for the bit which is surrounded by water.
...not to be ungrateful, but being more specific would help...locations, and WHICH of the five schematics you are referring to, for example... And besides, I believe you are mistaken about the Willoughsby residence...I am CERTAIN that none of the five schematics are there, nor the combined items...and besides, I don't think the ogre butler can tell me how to level up my npcs after level 50... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: sgc_meltdown on 2001-08-29 10:20 ]</font>
Somewhere near Bessie Toone's mine is a farming land of some sort. Anyway, you will see a lemon tree there just click it. Also near is a potato plantation. Inside the Willoughsby residence, then go down the basement. Kill the arachnids and unlock the chest near the stairs up. I'm not sure if it is Iron Arachnid schematic but it will be an Arachnid schematic if not a random schematic.