I'm New! Eitherway I was browsing thid forum and I decided to add my two cents. One of the interesting notes was a concern about the setting and mood of a second Arcanum game. I was thinking that a nice time setting would be late dark ages early renaisance. Think about it for a moment. Technology was being developed at the time in a few centralised areas but most of Europe was still under a fuedal system. I personally would enjoy an Arcanum type game in this time period and i think it would offer the most options for interesting gameplay. Trade was starting to increase with the rest of the world, crusades were ending, all kinds of stuff that would give fun things for the carachter to do, for example, I've always wanted to be a full time pirate Stew on the idea, I think it has much potential especially for the Arcanum world. I think this is enough to start on though. Oh, and by the way: Zombo!
Welcome to the forum arty: As for your idea - I'm afraid you've forgotten something (this may contain spoilers...). You see, Arcanum was basically medieval until Bates copied the steamwork technology from the dwarves... so there wasn't really any renaissance, just medieval and then *bang* industrial revolution. At least, there wasn't anything similar to our renaissance, I believe. Besides, if they still made a game in Arcanums 1500-1600's, there wouldn't be place for any technologists - there were just mages back then, the only technologists would be the dwarves, but they wouldn't allow their technology to be spread among humans. So, I guess, no credible excuses for including technological skills. And the whole flavour of Arcanum is the magick vs technology part, so I know I can't have that... But, the idea of a prequel still ain't bad - they could always make a game situated in the Age of Legends (this has been discussed on many occassions on this board...). There's a lot of things going on during that era in Arcanums history, so a possible prequel should rather be placed there. Oh, and sorry for my clumsy english. My brain seems to be turned off today (not that I've ever found the "on" button...)
Of course, that would remove the need for technology as well, but it would be cool if you were perhaps around during the struggle of Arronax and Nasrudin, and got to pick sides. Or even in that magical catacysm that is vaguely touched on in the manual, the one where elves and giants were made. I wanna be a giant, and eat people, RARRGHHHH!!! :akimbo: :minigun: :rifle: :smash:
Pehaps Technology could play a larger part than you would think. Maybe It would be cool if you could be a Vendigroth technologist. Another cool feature would be the ability to choose a starting city to be able to gain certain benefits, kinda like choosing a significant background.
That would be a rather impressive leap in time, since Vendigroth was destroyed by Arronax at least 2000 years before Arcanum starts. I expect that any survivors wouldn't really survive more than 50 years, give or take, as it seemed like a mostly human venture. Passing on the Science of Vendigroth on to your decendants would lead to a much watered down version, as children will rare have a good a grasp of the 'old stuff' as their parents did and irreplaceable equipment breaks down leading to a further loss. Of course then there is the part where the kids would rather be mages and carve their own destiny. 2000 years back would also leave us in the Age of Legends where magick was much more powerful, which would leave technology even further behind. -Stuart
Perhaps, normal arcanum technology, but any Vendigroth is much more powerful. Also I do not recall anything saying the Vendigroth were strictly Human. It would be a neat experience to be able to live in the Vendigroth times, and visit the city when it still was one.
http://www.terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=9397 i addressed the whole possiblility of the time setting in a slightly different way in this post. it was one of my first threads. unfortunatly no one responded...
Actually, this also leaves us with a possibility to have an Arcanum sequel placed in the future. Could actually turn into a very, very interesting game if done right.
A prequel would be really cool. Seeing the Age of Legends and Vendigroth would be chill. Doing a prequel also solves the problem of whether or not Arcanum was destroyed in the first game. Some people may have destroyed it and others may have saved it. If they did do a sequel, they'd most likely have to have it done in an entirely different setting.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here Demo - it could just be me overlooking something completely obvious - but how exactly does a storyline set some 2000 years before the Living One solve the problem whether or not the world was destroyed in the original game? Sure you didn't confuse prequel and sequel?
Maybe I'm being incoherrent. If they did a sequel, they would have to deal with that. Doing a prequel means they don't have to.
But we would also have a problem with a futuristic arcanum. Technology would be more dominant and magic would fade out. I like being a Mag/Tech myself so there wouldn't be anywhere for magic users except Tulla and do you know how much room they have in Tulla? So I say a Prequel. Vendigroth would be really cool to visit. (and I would like to see what else Droch had made)
but after arronax came back from the void he brougt venigroth back to life with all of his power so vendigroth could be in the sequel.