How about a Real Estate market. I've always wanted to be able to buy a house in an RPG where I can store my stuff and display my goodies. This idea of dumping tech stuff I may or may not need an a crate in a store room I don't own is stupid. I should be able to buy houses or even build one. Outfit it with chests (from plain boxes/crates to fancy loot chests). You could buy armor and weapon racks to put in the house. Have your own bed to sleep in. Shelves to display fancy items. etc... Great way to balance the excess of money. When I play I usually have over $30k less than 25% into the game. Need something big to spend it on. Start with a small one bedroom house on the outskirts of town and work your way up to a fancy multi level house in the big city. When someone dies, thier house should go on the market. Oh, and don't forget to lock up when you leave town. Might even need to hire a maid, guard, or butler to look after things.
Splendid idea! Heh, would be fun if, when you get too many money, people try to assassinate/steal your stuff, which is why you may need to hire a bodyguard...(Chukka?) REALLY fun if you're, like, very famous, and every little action you do could have the newspapers write an article. Wait, I'm going off-topic.
Hehe great idea, but why use a house only as a storage and sleeping place? What if we could open an inn or a tavern to make some money for us while we're wandering around doing quests? Or even our own shop, so we wouldn't have to run around selling the stuff we've found, but have people coming in to buy it? Being able to buy a house opens a whole lot of possibilities...
I would really love to own my own house. And you also should be able to create factories which can make rarer stuff like Steam Engines. Then you could make lots of money and have parts for advanced scematics. Oh, the possibilities...
Well, this reminds me of the feature they added in BG2... As a high level character, you were given a choice depending on your class to own a castle mage lab Ranger cabin. It could be done In Arcanum, but the level cap would have to be increased by a whole lot. The whole entire world of the game would have to be enlarged. As a tech You would own a lab in which you could design your own schematics? I may be going to far... You would have people working in your lab, and you would need to supply the place with all needed materials including test subjects. If you meet all the requirements tou would be given points to distrubute into schematics. A whole system would have to be created in order for that to work.
Those are really great ideas, Jinxed. Man, I REALLY hope some of this makes it into Arcanum 2. :razz: