Wondering what's a "good" order to handle the cities? I started out in Shrouded Hills (of course) then went on to Dernholm and now I'm in Black Root. I understand that most places will be visited more than once, but I seem to be getting my butt kicked alot and was thinking that maybe I'm travelling in the wrong order. For example, I left Shrouded Hills at LVL 4 after completing all of the quests that could be completed without leaving the town. I then travelled down to Dernholm where the guys in the tavern promptly beat my a**. Should I have gone somehwere else first?
go around for a while and pick fights from random encounters so that u gain experience and get a little stronger. try to stroll around town to get easy quest to finish and gain experience fast.
hmm don't pick fights w/ the molochan hand until your much higher lvl (ie... save before you talk to people in the bars... your not expected to win at this point.. they are assassins :razz: ) their is one in almost every lvl... btw... basically i did the cities so i would be at the right lvls so that i could recruit. ie. crash site (lvl 1... virgil) shroulded hills (lvl 2 sogg magg mead) derholm (lvl 6 jiana styles) tarant (lvl 8 magnus)(lvl 10 garr) black root (lvl 12 dante) ashbury (lvl 12 dog) back to derholm (lvl 15 volliger) back to tarant (lvl 16 chukka) at this point... do all the quests in these areas (you must start.. but not finish the derholm tax quest in order to get dante, you may finish after he joins yoU) then you'll be lvl 20+ and you may continue on w/ main plot till isle of despair (lvl 23 trovalins two tones) etc etc... quintarra around 30 (raven) its pretty well lined up (except wullo and a few of the later guys (wullo = 25 thief like skills ... at entrance to wastes ? hehe kinda late... good lockpick thou so i keep him)