Project Update #21: 5 Days Left!

Discussion in 'News Comments' started by Dark Elf, Oct 12, 2012.

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  1. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Project Update #21: 5 Days Left!

    <blockquote><b>Posted by Obsidian Entertainment</b>

    Everyone here at Obsidian is thrilled that the feedback to the <a href="">first look at Project Eternity</a> was so overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for all the encouragement - It really means a lot to our artists and the rest of the team. The outpouring of support and donations over the last day has been amazing. Thank you!

    Over the next five days we have a lot of fun things planned to wrap up the <a href="">Kickstarter campaign</a>. First, crowdfunding and Kickstarter has allowed us to open up our doors to you, literally. Today you can spend a few hours with me at the Obsidian Office, and you will get an inside look into a development studio. Check out what an atypical day is for me at the office (running the Kickstarter is pretty atypical for a game developer). I promise to wear pants! We plan on doing more of these live events at the office during production.

    Tomorrow I plan on playing <i>Icewind Dale II</i> by Interplay and Black Isle Studios. <i>Icewind Dale II</i> was the last Infinity Engine game to be released a decade ago in 2002. Before production starts on Project Eternity, I want to revisit some of the magic that Project Eternity aims to bring back. Join the stream and have some fun! Special Obsidian guest developers will join in on the fun, and you can heckle me while I try to make my way out of Targos and through the Dale to Kuldahar. How long will I play? 8 Hours? 12 Hours? 20 Hours? Longer? Watch and find out.

    Be sure to check out tomorrow's update with Tim Cain. He is going to answer more of your questions in a special video update.

    Here's the rest of the scheduled events for t he next 5 days:

    <b>Friday, October 12</b>

    11:00am PDT - Inside look at a not so typical day with Adam Brennecke - <a href="">UStream</a>.
    3:00pm PDT - PC Gamer Live Chat with the Project Eternity Team - <a href="">PC Gamer</a>.

    <b>Saturday, October 13</b>

    10:00am PDT - Adam plays <i>Icewind Dale II</i> all day - <a href="">UStream</a>.

    <b>Monday, October 15</b>

    10:00am PDT - Reddit AMA with the Project Eternity Team - <a href="">Reddit</a>.
    5:00pm PDT - Game night at Obsidian. Watch us play D&D at the studio! - <a href="">UStream</a>.

    <b>Tuesday, October 16</b>

    12:00pm PDT - The final countdown starts at the Obsidian Office - <a href="">UStream</a>.
    6:00pm PDT - The Project Eternity Kickstarter ends!

    Updates to the schedule will be sent via <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Facebook</a>, and posted to <a href="">our forums</a>.

    <b>New Novella Audio Book Reward and Add-on</b>

    We have a new digital add-on for everyone. For an add-on of $20 you will receive the digital Audio Book of the Project Eternity Novella by Chris Avellone narrated by a professional voice actor. If you already pledged at the $165 tier and above you will receive it for free!

    <b>Two Stretch Goals Hit and The Endless Paths is Larger</b>

    We've hit the $2.7M stretch goal, which means <b>Paladins</b> and <b>Chanters</b> are added to the game, and I'm happy to say we just hit the $2.8M stretch goal in record time! <b>George Ziets will be joining the team!</b> The team is very excited to have the opportunity to work with George again.

    One more level has been added to The Endless Paths because of your help. The depths grow deeper by the day, and we are getting very close to <a href="">20,000 likes</a> and 60,000 backers. 2 more levels incoming! Our next Facebook goal is to hit 40,000 likes - if we can reach that milestone it means we will add one more level to the dungeon! How low can we go?

    <img src="" />

    And last but not least, I leave you with a new concept art piece of Forton the monk.

    <img src="" />

    Thanks, and see you on the live stream!

    <i>Update by Adam Brennecke</i>

    <a href="">FORUMS: Join the discussion on Update #21!</a>

    <a href="">Like Obsidian On Facebook</a> - Help grow the Mega Dungeon!

    <a href="">Care to comment? View this update on Kickstarter →</a>

  2. Yuki

    Yuki Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 28, 2009
    That monk looks ridiculous. He better make up for it by being badass.
  3. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Looks too strapping to be one of them badass ancients.
  4. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
    The more I see the more I cringe.
  5. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    If I had a stomach like his I'd definitely get that tattoo. It's pretty sweet.
  6. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 29, 2011
    He reminds me of Splinter for some reason.
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