doesnt anyone do any pen and paper style role playing around here? like dnd or vampire? i'd think the people in this forum would have some interesting stories to share if they do indeed role play... <hint hint> back before there was an official version of the star wars pen and paper gmae, my friend started making one in the fifth grade, and has basically perfected it now, (my friend is a complete and utter lost cause when it comes to star wars btw, he knows the names of all the jedi, and i mean ALL of them, he can list you the jedi masters alphabetically, and knows all of the planets and which races are indigenous, etc.) you can play any race you want, because he has made stats for them all, and they're all been balanced out by about 7 years of beta testing. etc. we also play a little third edition dnd, and vampire now and then. i cant decide whether my favorite roleplaying moment was when i (as a malkavian vampire with lots of points in dementation) convinced a bunch of cops that they're friends were all demons and they killed eachotehr in a huge gun battle. or if it was when i was a xeexto bounty hunter and i killed a rodian by shooting him in the face with a grappling hook and used it to pull him off the top of a building on coruscant while i hovered in safety with my jet pack... of course there was always that time i got a bounty put out on my friends character by sending a hut a box full 100 of the most venomous spiders i could find at the time, and attaching a note to it that said from (that character's name) the spiders were kept company by a time bomb of course which killed a few of the huts guards...
I dunno, I prefer GURPS to Dungeons and Dragons or Vampire, but I only use the rules for character creation anyway
Well, Its tricky. At the moment I'm VERY turned of about vampires in general. There has been a media overload IMO. The whole concept with goth, teenage, vampre, drug addicts raving all day and killing regular teens all night has been done to DEATH. Whenever I see something in this genre I feel like I wanna puke. Needless to say TV'shows like Buffy, Angel and movies like Blade and Queen of the damned are things I stay away from. My knowlage about the vampire system is very limited. I've seen it being played one time and I played the computer game that was out a few years back. (In which one's again had my favorite goth, teenage, vampire's made an appearance.) The vampire clans and the like are interesting tho. And I have much hope for troika's new game. As for DnD I'm slighty more experienced. Tho my expertise doesn't go very far in this field either. I simply don't have enough friends that dare to try/find roleplaying fun. I know the system and 3E is pretty nice IMO. Its far more interesting then AD&D where all the characters where basicly the same.
sorry about this thread, if i seem over enthusiatic in the first post its because i was drunk... i just dont know how i managed to spell so well etc. i kind of agree, as much as i used to like AFI, (and i still do, a lot, except i'm just a little shocked by their new found popularity) they seem to have been around just long enough to be in the right spot at the right time. but most of these kids i see walking around acting like they're goths dont even know who bauhaus is... not that i'm a goth, but a lot of "gothic music" is really good. (bauhaus, a perfect circle, suzie) but yeah the media is cahing in... you know they even have gothic action figures? they're just sad looking scare crow style rag doll looking action figures that remind me of the art inside the AFI lyric books from "the art of drowning" and "black sales on blah blah blah" but that doesnt mean you shouldnt play vampire!