... level5. I want to keep my little feller strong and technological, but as sneaky as may be. I wonder if he can take advantage of a pair of light-fingered gauntlets available at the magic shop in Tarant. What does it mean to him that "available magic" is 27% for these boosters to pickpocketing? Will he get any use out of them when he tries to pick the pockets of a NPC? Of a neutral or well-disposed mage? The gauntlets are expensive (at least for the early part of the game), but money is no object. I go back to Shrouded Hills and deal with Ristezze when I'm short and he's long (snigger). O.
I do not advise wasting your money like that. In due time, the gauntlets will have NO effect, right now because of ur tech apt. its effeciency will decrease. A mage would have a bonus to thieving in this way, being able to use this, but faces a disadvantage in other things as well(unlocking cantrip having very negative effects on NP for example)
You're a tech and you want to BUY in a magic shop? Just come at night and lockpick the barrel and you'll have all that magic stuff + some 4000 gold pieces But don't use those gauntlets, it won't help you much anyway. When I play a dwarf tech, I only use one magic thing- gnomish chainmail. Perfect for a gunslinger since it gives the same armor class as any chainmail and is even lighter then a feather weight one.
Let's do the math. +5% to pickpocket times 27% power comes to 1 % boost to the skill. Hmmmm, kinda not worth it. Even mages do better with the Guantlets of DX that the Elven trader in Ashbury carries. 2 Charged Rings add far more to your pickpocketing ability than those guantlets will even at 100% power.