Since guns are, in general, feebly underpowered in Arcanum, and since I'm tired of seeing orc bandits and Molochean Hand assassins dodge my bullets as though they were tennis balls thrown by prepubescent schoolyard tykes -- even though I am THE Firearms Master of Arcanum -- I would like to create a small mod with the following effect: Guns (either most or all) give a Dodge penalty to the target. Let's say...80%. Is this possible?
You can give guns the bonus to-hit chance to compensate for dodging opponents. But passively reducing an opponent's dodge skill seems very unlikely. I guess the best you could hope for are active penalities, which are somewhat different then what you want. Sorry.
How about making guns have the same damaging mechanic as spells, only with obviously technological aptitude? Spells are undodgeable.
Thanks RAS. Not the pathetically-simple process I was hoping for, but at least it might be possible. I agree. I wouldn't want to make bullets un-dodgable like spells, just much more difficult to dodge.
What is ventrilo? Voice communication? I don't think will work, because the "free time" I have to do it is late at night when everyone else in the house is sleeping. I can't be talking then, unfortunately. When I finish my current game, I'll give it a go using your written instructions, and if I have any questions, I'll ask. I'm confident I can figure it out. Thanks for the offer though. :thumbup:
I'm very interested in this, since I've played about 10 levels just running around, critically missing with a kite sword -and getting scarred in the proccess-, and missing about 9 of 10 shots. Guns should be fairly easy to use, it's even easier than using a crossbow (and even farmers could use a crossbow without much training) I was wondering, is there any notepad edittable file that could be manually modified? Is there a file with all the weapons and it's statistics?
Although I'm not sure if I know enough about scripting =\, I could help with the plan and the testing =P. Do we need a lot of programming knowledge? I've made some scripts with some softs, but nothing too complicated.