Does anyone know how u can get to Caladon without reading the book "The curse of the Tsen-Ang"? When i asked the librarian for it i was "given" the book but never actually recieved it. Now i can't get to caladon because the book has disappeared off the face of the earth. So... does anyone know of any way to get to caladon?
Where in the game are you... I mean, which major plot-lines have you solved... Maybe you should ask the captain ot a boat where he sails off too. If you are far enough into the game to go to Caladon... the ship will also go there.
I'm up to the "obtain a copy of horror anomg the dark elves" quest. I'v ebeen to the forests of quintarra and now need to get the book. I know it's in caladon but no ship will take me there because i isn't an option. I went to the hall of records, then to the library and paid up. But i never got "curse of the Tsen-ang" so i'm screwed
Is your inventory full? If there was no room for the book in your inventory the book appears on the ground by your feet. You might want to go by the library and look. Or mayby check your followers' inventory...they might have picked it up. Also you might want to check the inventory of all the NPC's in the library...they might have picked it up off the ground too. Bloody theives the whole lot of them. -ur pal -tak L
If that doesn't work, go to the the author (Ashbury)of the book, he may be ble to help. If that doesn't work you have one chance left. Find on the locations list "Lethe Wythern Sighting", go one degree either ide of that and go in the other direction when you get there, you'll find a bridge eventuaaly, use it then go south to Caladon and find the misk residence.
Ok, i will try that. Thanks. I think what has happened is the first time i went to Tarant i stole the book, and misplaced it, cos i remember reading some parts of it (i started again).