Master of Melee and Lady Dru

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by GerrikStout, Jun 30, 2003.

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  1. GerrikStout

    GerrikStout New Member

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    Jun 30, 2003
    Anyone tell me what happens to Lady Dru when you carry her along for too many miles? I grabbed her and ran to Tarant to handle another quest, went back to Dernholm and lost her a block from the melee master. It's late enough to managed to save my game before realizing she was gone (I wasn't about to take on the melee master w/o saving. I saw Strong Poison in his inventory). At any rate- Please tell me there is a way to reclaim her and still become master of melee!
  2. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Huh. Well. Yes, she's a bit touchy about being dragged all over the continent and ignored. I've never tried this, but you could try checking back at the Lair of Gyr Dolours or in Dernholm by the barracks. If she's not in either place... well I could be wrong of course but she might be gone for good, which means you're probably not going to be able to complete the master quest.

    What happens if you attack Sir Garrick without him training you first? There's some dialogue option, IIRC, that goes something like, "Oh HO! But I am already your master! Allow me to demonstrate!" Again, haven't tried it myself, maybe he just laughs at you.

    Ah the virtues of keeping multiple saves. :shrug:
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