Well, I searched and I searched and then I got bored. Didn't find any useful information on the topics I read, so I decided to create a new topic and just ask it. I'm aware that if you have a high tech aptitude the Unlock Cantrip spell go useless, but what about the picklocks skill. I'm doing a magickal thief, and I didn't learn a lot of spells but I've been playing A:WIP and used the helm from the Well of Lost Souls to max my MA and get full use of the magickal items. BUT after maxing dodge, meele, backstab, prowling, and putting 3 ranks in pickpocket and spot traps I found myself without any means to unlock containers without cracking them open with an axe. The question is, my MA is going to screw up my picklocks skill or I can just max'n'master it with no trouble at all dispite my MA?
Lockpickking works regardless of your tech aptitude. You can even use the skeleton key if you get your hands on one. Learning lockpicking may lower your MA, but that's it. The worst thing you can do to your lockicking skill is be a (half-)elf, since these guys get a racial penalty to tech skills, including lockpicking. That means no mastery and serious problems opening the shopkeepers' chests. The fun part of being a mage with the lockpicking skill is that whenever the lock jams on you, you can just disinegrate the damn door and be done with it. Or have a fire elemental open it for you.
In order to master a skill you need to have only 18 ranks in it. The only exception is Persuasion, IIRC.
Great, my character's a half-elf. But 19 ranks should be enough anyway. Does that 1 missing rank do much difference?
AFAIK only on difficulty level 90+ locks - there you'll face a jammed lock more often, tho such locks are rare.