K'na Tha is just plain messed up

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by loyalp, Dec 16, 2001.

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  1. loyalp

    loyalp New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 3, 2001
    So, I went through this thing putting out torches and lighting torches and killing bad guys. I finally get to the place where you are on a square area with two chests. Inside the chests are a bunch of potions & whatnot, AND a magical chakram-thingy. I'm supposing that this is Azram's Star?

    However, I strike out the flaming fire and light the next fire and it transports me out of K'na Tha. So, when I have the chakram identified by "wise woman" it just says it's a magic chakram. If I take it to whatsername that started me on this quest, my dialog says I have not found Azram's Star, yet.

    What's going on? Did I miss it somewhere?

    The combination for the torches that I wrote down was:
    extinguish middle
    extinguish right
    light only one
    extinguish left
    extinguish middle
    extinguish only one
    light only one
  2. loyalp

    loyalp New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 3, 2001
    Got it

    Extinguishing that last one is not a good idea...

  3. Just a guy

    Just a guy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2001
    in one of the chests in a room where your in the middle and there are guys on 4 sides you find a chakram that says azrams star. its unidentified but it has the name in blue just so you know you have the correct item. i think they put the other one there before just to fool people and make them think they have the correct item and leave.
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