So what's your opinion? Japes mentioned his bother (I couldn't put a finger on a better word, though that one is obviously shit and too conscientiously british) previously, but now the situation has spread into Australia (who I never really thought as the target of Islamic extremist threat, but I'm very interested to hear contrary). I think they fucked up honestly as an organisation that wishes to put the frighteners on the West; a british extremist decapitated two americans - well that's great opportunity to sever ties between America and Britain in that vein. But then they go and shit on the british too - I mean that's literally the dumbest shit I've ever heard. They could have created a rift between the UK and America (at least in the morons - which I know Britain is not bereft of), but that shat on that opportunity. They're now targeting a british charity worker in Syria, and it pisses me off because they could have picked someone up who they could actually pin responsibility to (a soldier of any description, which people would always not get so irate about compared to a completely altruist innocent), and all it serves is to incense the broad swath of the moronic british (and if they weren't already swayed, american) public. Yet you can't just tell people to ignore them, because british tabloids or the National Enquirer (or whatever the broader American tabloids are) are trying at every turn to incense people. For fuck's sake, the ISIS want a reaction, it would be best if we didn't give it to them (though I realise that's now impossible given the lengths they have gone to). Besides that, the entire shift of their campaign (going from british beheading americans, to british beheading more or less anyone else) to a weaker stance shows how pathetically desperate they are. And it annoys me (though I do realise my main issue is that I'm annoyed at broader UK intolerance), because every muslim I've met (Britain, after its rather horrible empire, is always going to be extremely cosmopolitan - most immigrants I've met agree as such) is perfectly fine. There's a guy in my lab right now, who's a Kurdish Iraqi muslim, who said give us some weapons and we'll happily curb stomp the fuckers out of our territory (obviously, not in those words, but the gist) - but way too many people chalk all muslims up as being the enemy. It fucking sucks. I guess eventually we'll do them in, as literally no one internationally likes ISIS, but when does it stop? Killing people who want to be martyrs does not make a situation better in the long run.
It seems apparent to me that they are trying desperately to pull a coalition of western nations into a ground war, where they can plant roadside bombs, hide amongst civilians, and use every other dirty trick they learned in Iraq and Afghanistan to chalk up a few more dead soldiers. Well fuck 'em. I think we're right on track; bombs and missiles all day long until they are sufficiently attrited to be dealt with by U.S. trained Syrian moderates and U.S. armed Peshmerga. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't break my heart if they asked me to take to the skies again and gun down a few of the bastards, but I don't think that would be the best course of action.
It would seem as if people were losing their heads over the ISIS topic... Bad jokes aside, I'm also of the idea that armed conflict would be the worst approach to this issue. I'm nowhere as informed as I'd like, but I agree with Jojo; ISIS is looking to get into the spotlight, and they will do anything on their power to prove their point. A thing that I deeply regret is that many of the media covering the conflict seems really biased, and in cases I've noticed contradictions between agencies. But hell, can we ever trust any outlet? I would gladly accept some insight on the subject by anyone that can get a reliable source... It would be a shame sacrificing many men in a pointless war of belief... ...Again.
The beheading of journalists is no joke. I agree, though; they'll only give America more cause to stay in the Middle East, and drag the likes of England and Australia further into the conflict. More dead soldiers* and more wasted resources, at the end of the day. That corporations in the West can actually give outstanding sums of money to the same oil sheiks who fund the likes of Isis (as everybody insists on calling these savages) surprises me in that this isn't considered treason, just business. It's cute, too, that supporters of the United States' previous government are trying to imply that Obama is somehow responsible for the ongoing war in the Middle East that they themselves instigated. When in doubt, blame the black one. The media in Australia has started to accommodate for support of the conflict, naturally; arrests of terror suspects have been given far more coverage than before, debate about the burqa has been brought up once again, and there's even deliberate coverage of hysterical Australian based apologists spouting their diatribes (the kind of people who talk long before they think). This slow drip of propaganda and subtle racism (Islam equates to terrorism and misogyny) just goes to show how deep we're truly burrowed ourselves into America's orifice. * When young soldiers die in conflict, when a family loses a son or daughter, it's just news (ho hum); when Joan Rivers or Robin Williams dies, tragedy.
I'm sorry if it was offensive, but coming from a country where finding a man's head on the neighbor's doorstep is common coin, one gets used to treating tragedy more lightly as opposed to living in a constant state of fear and mourning. (After all, brutally slaughtering people is not a practice unique to the Midwest.) It is rather shameful that the actions of an isolated part of a group can generate public hatred as it's happening to Islam now. This kind of event is what leads ignorant people to say nuking the Midwest would fix everything... Lets just hope that the horrors of the oncoming war are short lived and few.
[quote="Werozzi]Midwest[/quote] Ah, I knew there was something funny about it, thanks autocorrect! Well, at least I hope y'know what i meant...