Perhaps when you start a new game in arcanum 2, it will ask you whether you would like to load one of your saved data from arcanum, thus your arcanum 2 plot or world is based on your original game save. eg:If You helped magnus find the Iron Clan and he becomes king,then in your new arcanum 2 game Magnus is king; if you left Magnus to stand around the pshuylers(s?) all day, he never becomes king and in the game, the dwarves clans are broken up in splinter groups(or something) I will presume that you did not agree with Kerghan cuz you did, there would not be a world to explore, besides the land of the dead.
Meeting character from previous game is good but starting as a very strong character is not. You would need new real tough opponents to appear on daily basis. How would you explain that kites are suddenly replaced byt let's say half-dragons?
What I meant was that in arcanum2, you play a whole new character whose world is shaped by the original hero in arcanum(in the sense of how much your actions changed it) eg. Lets name the hero in arcanum 1,A; and the hero in arcanum 2, B... Suppose A helps to bring peace between the Bedokkens and the Qintarra elves, then in arcanum 2, B visits Qintarra and finds some Beddokens walking around,possibly trading with the elves. Dragons could come back to the mortal realm as ghosts or some very powerful mage(/s)/technologist(/s) learns how to ressurect them as minions...
Nice idea. Most people want to base it on the character and their actions, but if this idea works (ie. if the data is actually stored in the savegames as something that is readable by A2) then it could be a great solution to many people's ideas. Of course, not all characters would work, as some peoplw would ally with Kerghan etc. It would only work with good characters and with savegames that were of a actually finished game, or somewhere in the void at least, for all the neccessary things to have been done. Since the end game seems to be able to 'sense' what you did, I'm assuming that there is some easily readable data in the savegame somewhere, so it could well work....
No way Sorry, but that would really suck, because it means you basically have to have beaten Arcanum AND kept the save file in order to play Arcanum 2 optimally and it would decrease the audience available, because not everyone who would be interested in Arcanum 2 played Arcanum. Besides, that is a programmer's worst nightmare, making a set of fundamentally different games based on what you did in a previous one
I thought you meant continuing the same char. Your idea is interesting however I doubt it would be done. After all some places would have to be fluorishing in one game while being a ruin in another. I think that programmers would rather follow the "let's just make as if everyone acted like this" path.
Re: No way Sorry, I must have missed the place where he said an old saved game would be necessary. What if the default was the all the best results from Arcanum I? It wouldn't need a savegame at all; it would just be an extra thing for those of us who want a more familiar landscape. The things he mentioned are all fairly superficial; huge plot changes wouldn't be necessary. And if it's a huge programming issue, then the programmers could just release mods based on the demand for them. Build-Your-Own Arcanum II, or something; if Tarant and Caladon unify, then download X. There are plenty of ways around it.
---Etalis Craftlord Yeah...or maybe the worst results...(aside from joining Kerghan and having the new hero have adventures in the afterlife world) And yes, Icairus, I agree with you that this is a programmer's nightmare, I thought so too. Then also, if you are into the last choices part about choosing Kerghan's side or not, maybe in Arcanum 2, after you have loaded your data,if any, the game asks whether you would like to support Kerghan or stay with Life.This question only appears when you have loaded your arcanum 1 data file. Yes, more programmers' nightmare.
Like the idea, though it would basicly be with the most superficial ones. A war between Tarant and Cumbria, or complete peace and happyness would be quite the difference, but a peace with Qintarra and the Bedokaan is not so bad. I say SOME alterations, but the big ones should be pre-programmed. Besides, though I admit I have little understanding of programming, I don't think it's that hard to edit a few changes in the world, depending on a savegame. It's like a normal trigger (like talking to someone, killing someone, retrieving an item) only on a larger scale, and it goes into action the second you start the game. And maybe make a mini-mod for when you have joined Kerghan -Start of game- Voiceover: Because Kerghan and his accomplice exterminated all life, you have never been born. Therefore, you do not exist. *Character dies* -The End- *Credits begin rolling, outro music* Nifty game non?
No shit, Sherlock! It'd be kind of hard to have events that haven't HAPPENED YET affect the game. I think we all already guessed that. :roll:
Well, If you joined Kerghan, the whole game could be about exterminating all life with Kerghan at your side. The rest would be If A=0, then *shrouded hills broken* Else *shrouded hills alive* Or a multi-option one for the things like the Caladon/Tarant membership. With the "Start New Game" option, the world could be about like it was in Arcanum 1: the landscape and stuff would be about the same, except for new characters and advances. It wouldn't be too unusual for someone new to start a new game, and meet a dwarf called Magnus who claimed to have met his/her mother/father, etc.