And I did it before I was banished to the void! He appeared as a random encounter like usual but I slipped into prowling mode as he was talking to me and shot him in the head twice and he was dead! does any one know how to post pictures so I can show you?
presumably you've already taken the screenshots... you need to upload them to a website that will host the pictures (sites like tripod, angelfire, and other freebies usually won't allow it), then you use the "image" instructions found in the faq...
That wasn't actually Kergan. It was just a telepathic extention of him. He comes posing as Arronax. I also attacked him as soon as he stopped talking (in turn-based), it showed a body and everything. But upon reaching the Void he was still there in all his glory. The other two times I played through without doing this.
It woulda been funny though if I would have actually killed him, I almost fell out of my chair laughing!!!! It kinda reminds me of on the simpsons when homer dies because he eats broccoli, he rises into heaven then he comes back as a ghost, eats the brocolli and then his ghost dies and his spirit rises up to heaven again. I dont know why it does but for some reason it just does.