I have a problem ...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by notsol33t, Sep 6, 2001.

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  1. notsol33t

    notsol33t New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2001
    I have a problem and I don't know where to turn.
    I suspect that my character in Arcanum, whom will remain anonymous, is a closet alcholic. He denies it but I see through his lies. Sometimes when I enter the game, my character is sitting in another place from where I last saved (usually at his favourite Inn) and when I ask him about it he just scoffs and tells me to mind my own business and rent him a room so he can rest. I am frightened by his new quick temper and fear one day he may not wake up at all !! I think he has already begun selling his items for booze since 2 nights ago I loaded my saved game and he was missing some items. Oh sure, he blamed it on a bug but I see through his lies , especially that unmistakable odor of cheap wine on his breath. Help me people , what should I do ?
  2. monkeypunch

    monkeypunch New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2001
    i'd say, live with it, it builds character! :D

    i wanna have a addicted gamer, i wanna! :p
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