I hate BG and Diablo series...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vikjunk, Aug 15, 2001.

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  1. Vikjunk

    Vikjunk New Member

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    May 14, 2001
    They got people expecting a little to no story and mindless hack-and-slash action is what makes CRPGs... :sad:

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Vikjunk on 2001-08-15 02:49 ]</font>
  2. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    I agree with you with Diablo on one hand, but on the other, I don't think BG is not that good. Haven't played the first one but I like the second. Of course, I like Arcanum better.
  3. Vikjunk

    Vikjunk New Member

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    May 14, 2001
    I've only played BG, so BG2 could be different, but IMO BG had a story that was as shallow as a redneck’s gene pool...
  4. Quintis

    Quintis New Member

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    Aug 15, 2001
    Well Diablo isn't meant to be deep :smile: It's all mindless action. It get boring fast but before it does it's a lot of fun IMO. BG was the first iteration of Bioware's take on AD&D. It had more than it's share of flaws, a somewhat weak story being one, but it was a fun game I thought and a helluva first effort.

    BG2 however was excellent and leagues above BG1. And with the expansion it's even better. Granted, it's not a game that allows you shape events and characters to the extent that the Fallouts did or Arcanum will but the volumne of quests, scripting, encounter's and locations of the game more than make up for that.

    I can understand someone being put off by Diablo. But if you skipped BG2 because of BG1 you're missin' out friend. Those two are apples and oranges in a big way.

  5. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    I haven't tried the expansion. But is that another version of BG2 I saw at the store?
  6. Quintis

    Quintis New Member

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    Aug 15, 2001
    I don't know of any new BG2 version unless they are already selling the full game and the expansion as a boxed set. I'd think it was a little early to be doing that given the success of the series but can't say for sure. I know when the full game came out there were a couple of versions, like the regular, collectors, and I think some kind of limited edition version. It's all kinda silly marketing stuff that simply adds a few trinkets in the box, like trading cards, better maps etc. Maybe that's what you saw?

    Also the expansion box kinda looks like a version of BG2 simply because the "Baldur's Gate II" title is the biggest on the box, overshadowing the "Throne of Bhaal" part. The "you need the full version of BG2 to play this" section is predictably small and not displayed on the front or back of the box. It's all Jedi Mind Tricks from the Interplay marketing department =)


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Quintis on 2001-08-15 05:17 ]</font>
  7. Zewy

    Zewy New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    I did finsh BG1 and the xp to it. I think bg1 was great but now when I see arcanum I think it sux ass. I have finsh diablo and diablo2 + the xp but I think diablo is so mindeless killing. You kill millions of enemys to save about 10 to 20 ppl. in a shity small town. even doom and quake hadde a better story line ? or did they have a story at all?
  8. Sethmage

    Sethmage New Member

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    May 8, 2001
    Just drop to put my two cents, but everything what I wanted to say about BG, Quintis already mentioned.
    Personally I like both BG's (with the expansions), of course I like Fallout more, but for the sake of discussion if Black Isle made BG3 I would buy it without thinking twice.

    Diablo on the other hand, well to tell you the truth I don't get it. I played the first one and I still don't understand why this game is called RPG. You go to dungeons kill monsters, pick up things, go sell/buy, repeat this for 16 levels. Hello?, I'm missing something here? If Diablo 2 is the same excuse me but I will take the hike.
  9. Zewy

    Zewy New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    I think they call it RPG for that it has Level based system. + random weapons and armor. What make a game rpg is it any rules that you need to do to make it rpg ??? is it a list out there what you need to have in the game to call it rpg? story line in diablo's case I think not for it totaly sux. save a town there is lives about 8 ppl and kill millions of enemy's. And all are dead exapt for 1 in diablo2 so what was the point of the story any way.
  10. Quintis

    Quintis New Member

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    Aug 15, 2001
    Whether D1 or D2 is a RPG or not I'll leave to another thread, cause they always tend to be long =)

    Obviously I didn't have the negative aftershock of the BG series that Zewy did but as to getting the Diablo games. I think it comes to to the fact that Diablo is just more of a game then something like Arcanum or the Fallouts were. I put Diablo up there with say card games, and Magic the Gathering. It's not an experience (except maybe when you first start) it's just a game you fire up when you want to play games. A good RPG game (or hell any good game) to me is one that pushes you a bit and knocks you around. Makes you think about what is going and in some respects, depending on the game, care about what is going on.

    I don't know a good game IMO usually becomes more than a game. And I'm not talking about fantasy vs. reality or anything like that I just mean those times when you're caught up in something really fun. Like a good book that works you up to such a degree you end up gripping it in some kind of death lock without even knowing it. A good game does the same. Like when Aeris is killed in FF7, you beat Fallout by _talking_ to the Master or when you get away from Maggie Chow by jumping out of her high rise window and onto jock's porch in the building across the street. Those are classics IMHO where you sit back and say, " OMG ! OMG! did you see that?! I can't believe that! I can't believe that!"

    Anyway that's my Diablo's just a game speel, more than you asked for but there it is =)

  11. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    I made a post beating down diablo....

    I'll bump it up!

  12. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

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    May 5, 2001
    Diablo and Diablo 2 don't really pretend to be RPGs. They have a character system, but that's about it. They're more akin to Guantlet than to an RPG.

    As for BG, it actually does pretend to be an RPG. It's just not good at it.
  13. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    BG - I played it shortly after I played Planescape: Torment hence the way story was presented seemed a little childish to me. Something like a fairy tale. Though at that time I enjoyed it. Especially that it had good tutorial which allowed me to get a good grip of how to play the game well and in turn I enjoyed P:T a lot more the second time I played it. Unfortunately I never played BG again. Somehow after I began I knew that I won't alter the plot, that quests solutions will be the same and the only difference would be a new party.

    BG2 - much better than BG1. I must say I really enjoyed it though it has some drawbacks it's a very good game an example of a solid craftsmanship. As for the expansion. Hmm, cool items, powerful enemies many new abilities but storyline is very weak. There are very few conversations, very few subquests, it's too short and too much like just go there&slay everyone just like in Icewind Dale. It's like they just removed all the restrains like XP caps and said: "Hey, it's the end there won't be BG3 so why bother". I enjoyed it but not as much as BG2. To me ToB is not worth it's price.

    Generally I prefer Fallouts, Betrayal in Krondor and P:T to BG series.

    Diablo 1. It's a different story. I played the demo countless times and the game disappointed me. Though at the time it appeared I quite enjoyed it (however it was for the nice effects rather than for the story itself).
    When I borrowed Diablo 2 from a friend and saw that practically nothing changed I deleted it after some 10minutes of plying and I don't intend to play it ever again.
  14. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

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    Aug 9, 2001

    I only say one thing... true. Diablo 1&2 is no real rpgs. More of an hack and slash. Like get medival. And the story.. well... what story? :smile: About BG.. i never played it. I dont like controlling more than 1 character so i never baught it. Thats why i like arcanum so much! But i did play some Icewind Dale and i enjoyed it in the beginning. Then it was to much go there and kill that ,like Dragoon said, so i never finished it. Back to Diablo. How can anyone call diablo an rpg? It has 5 quest per act. Thats 25 quest in the whole diablo2 if u include the expansion. And
    are u some god or something in those games? I mean, u can kill millions and millions of monsters with a few whirlwinds! I liked diablo 1 alot more than diablo 2 mostly becouse you could pk in diablo 1. Those stupid people at blizzard totaly messed the pk ability up in d2. And the story was better in D1 to. D2 was just plain stupid.
  15. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    I also played IceWind Dale and can't wait for NeverWinter.
  16. Diemon

    Diemon New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 9, 2001
  17. Amos Trask

    Amos Trask New Member

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    May 30, 2001
    Amos! the Rogue/Fighter/Dagger of the seas neverwinter nighter!
  18. Zewy

    Zewy New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    Way is it not so meney FPS rpgs out there? Like Deus Ex or draggonfall or hexen2. if you can count hexen2 as a rpg. I really lik the FPS view and the style to play in doom/quake where you don't select with the mouse what to kill or use Like AC or EQ.
    WW2online sux it the way it is buggy but it the netcode is so good that it is like you are the server :smile:
  19. Quintis

    Quintis New Member

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    Aug 15, 2001
    Hmm don't know. Maybe it has to do with the genre getting it's roots from table top? I like both as long they're done well. But I admit first person does have some advantages when it comes to immersion.

    On the first person side you have at least one gem in the pipe in Morrowind. I'm itching for that title in a bad way. Daggerfall was one of my favorites :smile: Deus Ex 2 is coming as well but that one is way off. I think Morrowind is still on track for for a 2001 release and with an editor! *cheer*

  20. Zewy

    Zewy New Member

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    May 9, 2001
    Well I know that thouse game are comming but I think it a bit too litle of thouse games they are soo great games. If you look at how meney none story FPS games ther is out there.
    quake 1/2/3/ and even 4 is bing worked on
    doom 1/2 and other weard version/3 is bing worked on right now
    duke3d and all addons/ duke4ever looks great
    Unreal/UT/and unreal 2 is being worked on.
    Do I need to add the less known no it too meney of em but I did lake chasem or what ever it was named was kinda cool :smile: for a so old game. and tresspasser kicked ass.
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