Hypnotic Elixir Question

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Spazweez, Dec 6, 2001.

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  1. Spazweez

    Spazweez New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2001
    H'lo all --

    I've recently run into a problem with the Elixir of Hypnotic Suggestion and was wondering if anyone had experienced something similar:

    I play a heavy tech (tech 100) dwarf and wanted to make some of the Elixir to help on a particular quest. Since my focus was on disciplines other than Chemistry and Therapeutics, I needed to buy some tech manuals to "unlock" the schematic (2 Chem manuals, 3 Thera manuals). Once that was done, everything seemed fine -- the green button was enabled and when I clicked it, I got confirmation that the elements had been successfully combined. But when I checked my inventory: No Elixir.

    In fact, no elixir in the inventory. No elixir in the quick slots. No elixir on the ground. No elixir in the hands of my sticky fingered cohorts. I even told everyone to wait and went off to an empty building to repeat the process. Once again, "success", but no elixir to be found.

    Am I missing something here? Anyone encountered anything like this? Perhaps a bug? (Note: this is a patched version of the game -- the patch that makes the Looking Glass Rifle more balanced (read: crappy).)

    Thanks in advance for any help on this.

    - spazweez
  2. Milo

    Milo New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 12, 2001
    I don't have any first hand experience with this bug - never really got into therapeutics.

    But I've heard that sometimes (for some reason) things appear blank in the inventory screen. Meaning they are actually there, you just can't see them. Another one is that sometimes they appear in your inventory as something else.

    Try sorting your inventory and look for any suspicious blank spaces. If you see one, then odds are it's your missing elixir.

    If there's no blank space, then click on the items that are in your backpack and check the description window. It's possible that your elixir is masquerading as something else.
  3. Spazweez

    Spazweez New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2001
    Thanks, Milo --

    I've actually encountered those issues you've mentioned in the past -- my auto-lockpick appeared as a "blank" initially, and I've had many Potions of Lesser Healing appear in the inventory as Healing Salve images.

    Unfortunately, I already gave your suggestions a shot and, other than finding a few more Potions masquerading as Salves, had no luck.

    Still, I wonder if anyone knows the size/weight of the Elixir so I have a better idea what I might be looking for?

    - spazweez
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
    Welcome to the forum Spazweez!!
    You guys, try welcoming more people since I don't like to create posts on;y saying "Welcome". Consider this an official House of Lords custom. And make me proud. :smile:
  5. Skie88

    Skie88 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 6, 2001
    Well thats new... Ive never encountered potions masquerading as salves before...The only thing I know of was things that go black/grayed out in the inventory like any of the lockpicks( the most advance one, i think) and magnus bracelets...

    About the welcoming thing, no problem there mr. moderator sir, leave that to us(still Milo's been beating me to it lately :sad: )
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