I trashed my sword on the steam engine and I don't know how to repair weapons. I went to the blacksmith, but I didn't see any option for repairs. Can repairs be done and if so where? Thanks in advance...
Some Blacksmiths and some Junkyard dealers can repair items. If the one at the town you are at now doesn't, then you might have to pick pocket for another. Or ... pick up another one at the store ... or take it from a dead body. If your sword is at 0/xxx HP, then I am not sure you will be able to fix it. Next time, use arrows, explosives, bullets, or a spare weapon on those items.
:minigun: Obviously you haven't made it out of Shrouded Hills. Give the game a chance, then you can post the "big questions"
I take it you smashed your sword in Srhouded Hills since you tried to smash a steam engine; you need to talk to Blacksmith, ask him what services he provides and there should be repair dialog option. As for repairing completely broken items (the ones which turn red) only Master at Repair can fix those. He can be found no sooner than in Caladon which is pretty late in game. Also if you want to become Master at Repair yourself one day be wary what you do with camera found at the crash site as it'll be needed to complete Mastery quest. I don't know about other shopkeepers but if you gave/sold it to Riestezze he'll keep it so you don't need to worry.
:minigun: Tsk, tsk, Dragoon. An experienced marvel such as yourself, should know the blacksmith in Shrouded Hills does not repair your items.
if he did the steam engine quest for jongle dunne then he should be able to make his way to dernholm and have his sword repaired there
Shame on me, I just never broke anything already in SH. Still at least I know there has to be an empty space between a smiley and rest of text for it to work
:minigun: Thanks for the space tip, Dragoon. Sometimes the face will appear and sometimes not, if there's no space that is. But just to be on the safe side I will always put a space in. space, space, space, space.