How do I get my followers to attack me?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Thor Kaufman, Oct 26, 2006.

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  1. Thor Kaufman

    Thor Kaufman New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 26, 2006
    Salute, comrades

    I need a solution to get rid off "permed" followers and a way to piss off normal followers so I can perm them instead of having them as normal followers who take up follower slots.
    I know of one way, that is poisoning them, but I don't want to waste a CP for its schematic, nor do I want to look everywhere to find those potions.
    What other solutions are there? :/

    Also, does my character gain CPs after lvl50 (normal 1074 patch, not the lvl127 one)? I didn't quite get the answer to that, yet.

    Thanks in advance

    TONGSyaBASS Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 19, 2005
    Press Alt and attack them.

    Here's some other commands you may not be aware of:

    A-10: Quick Keys
    Arcanum GAME Hotkey List:
    <Escape> -- MainMenu (or "Previous Window" *in* the mainmenu)
    <F1> -- “Walkâ€￾ – Commands a Follower(s) to walk to a target location
    <F2> -- “Attackâ€￾ – Commands a Follower(s) to attack the selected target
    <F3> -- “Stay Closeâ€￾ – Commands a Follower(s) to follow at a lesser
    <F4> -- “Spread Outâ€￾ – Commands a Follower(s) to follow at a greater
    <F5> -- “Back Offâ€￾ - Commands a Follower(s) to stop fighting its target
    <F7> -- Auto-save save game to a predetermined auto-save game slot.
    <F8> -- Auto-load saved game from predetermined auto-save game slot.
    <F12> -- Take a screenshot
    <NUMLOCK> -- Toggles Run-Always
    <SHIFT> -- Stand in place (don't walk when attacking, etc.)
    <CTRL> -- Run instead of walk
    <ALT> -- Force-Attack (to attack scenery, doors, etc.)
    -- Drag a corpse (if not in combat mode)
    <ENTER> -- Switch to the Chat rotating window (type messages seen as floaters)
    <SPACE> -- Closes any interfaces (Inven/Char. Editor/etc.) and switches between
    Turn-Based/Real-Time combat
    <A> -- Do whatever hotkey action is on the last "Active" hotkey (the one
    the lower-left, next to the rotating window)
    <C> -- Character Editor Toggle On/Off
    <F> -- Fate Point Window Toggle On/Off
    -- Inventory Toggle On/Off
    <L> -- Log Book Toggle On/Off
    <O> -- Bring up the Options menu
    <R> -- Toggle Ready/Unready mode (Attack/Talk modes)
    <S> -- Sleep UI Toggle On/Off
    <T> -- Tech Schematic UI Toggle On/Off
    <V> -- Display version info
    <W> -- World Map UI Toggle On/Off
    <,> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Head (<Comma>)
    <.> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Arms (<Period>)
    </> -- Attacks will be called-shots to the Legs (<Forward>)

    Your character will not gain further CPs.
    Any followers will continue to level up until they are also level 50.
  3. Thor Kaufman

    Thor Kaufman New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 26, 2006
    thanks a lot TONGSyaBASS :):thumbup:

    I only knew ALT+Attack was for attacking items, like chests for instance, thanks for clearing that up
  4. apsestasis

    apsestasis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 12, 2006
    Entanglisng also works (if i remember it right)
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