I suggest that in Arcanum 2, there should be like gun damage to the enviroment. e.g You shoot at someone, a few bullets miss and hit the gound or the wall, creating holes and scratches. You shoot at a barrel, the bullet goes through it creating a hole, and the liquid content starts to seep out. Or say you shoot the ground, little dust specs fly up and then settle again. Likewise if your using a Bow, the arrows stick into the barrel/walls/ground/enemies :roll: Your using a heavy weapon, say a grenade launcher you shoot at a wall and blow a massive hole into it, and a small amount or rubble appears around it. Likewise if you shoot the ground, a small crater is formed upon impact.
Yes, it would indeed be nice if we really could wreak some havoc with our spells and sidearms! Imagine casting Fireflash at a barrel of gasoline... Ah, the smell of toasted orc in the morning. I guess that graphical goodies like that would require quite a complex engine though, but seeing as nothing have been mentioned about an Arcanum sequel yet (and frankly, when would Troika have had time with that while developing two games simultaneously?), then one could always hope that such things are more of a standard at the time when/if Arcanum 2 finally makes it out on the shelves.
And if you use the flamethrower things begin to burn! burn away doors barrels etc. And if a person has taken fire it should loose life constant!!
Yeah ralph that would be so cool to see a little fat halfling running around with his ass on fire :lol:
It would actually make the flamerower worth using at least... Too bad there will never be another arcanum...
And why not sell it ? Its Sierra's fault for being such stingy bastards and not funding Arcanum 2 !:???: