2 questions here 1. I always freed gar to get the fate point 2. I found out that if you free him AFTER he is in your group, the fate point is lost. SO is Gar any good in your party or just an orc than can carry stuff. I think I read someplace that he has a quest? and if you don't do it he leaves the party. True or false. I don't really know if I'm gonna use the fate points because I usually have 9 by the time I'm done with bates. I figured the 10th one would be over (magnus's clan) when I was done with all those mines but I hear that he finds the clan later in the game. So with all these fate points, do I free gar or have he come along for the ride? With all these orcs maybe I aught to be one also.....hehehehehe Parmanian
well he is an excellent melee fighter, but is also good for carrying heavy junk. his only problem is that he doesn't wear armour, so at first the ac bonus is good, but later on in the game where there are great armours available he tends to lose out.
You can get the fate point from Gar later, at any time. Just ask him to wait, and then when asking him to rejoin tell him he's a free man. Gar kicks some major ass. (A crude yet accurate description.) He's an excellent tank and mule and since he's neutral he can get some benefit from both magickal and tech items (like charged rings, 1 point dex each for him). He CAN wear armor. Barbarian, Dread, and magickal plate definitely. I couldn't get him to wear electroarmor and whatever it is that Willenbecker (sp) wears, but I haven't tried any other techie plate. I think the ones that make your head look like a plunger are out. If you like Gar, keep him. There's an unlimited number of fate points in the game due to a bug, and even without exploiting that one I never seem to run out. Besides, I think Gar enjoys travelling with you. I've never heard anything about a quest involving Gar, and I've never encountered it in my games.
I somehow never had Gar in my team. There is more than enough melee fighters among followers, and Gar is hardly better than Sogg or Loghaire. Not worth losing a fate point ( unless of course you're using the famous Shadygrove cheat :lol: )
You DON'T lose a fate point. You can release him and get the point at any time. He's a great fighter, he's voiced unlike Sogg (very important to me), and you can pick him up around 25 levels sooner than Loghaire.
doesn't gar have to have LARGE armor? I've sidelined a saved game to get him and with no armor he does well. I'm tooooooo cheap to buy him any right now. Parmanian
Gar voiced?! Do you call saying "Yes, Madam" or "What would you have me do?" being voiced?! Baaaaaaa. Anyway, just keep him until he's obsolete, then tell him to wait and free him. You get to use him once for his skill and once for his fate point. He's like a walking, talking, fighting handkerchief: you can wear it on your head until you sneeze into it.... :???: That's kinda gross imagery there. Oh, and Gar is a non-conformist MEDIUM size. He can wear barbarian clothes because they don't cut off his breathing. Perhaps he's just claustrophobic? By the by, don't you love how he turns blue with Dread Armour on?
Seeing as how he will wear magical grades of plate, it can't be claustrophobia. He turns different colors with different barbarian style armour, kind of bluish grey in Bronze Barbarian Clothes IIRC. Keep him as long as you want, but you must ask him "what do you know about this place?" in every town. Some of his answers are rather funny.
I got a load of that when I asked about Tarant.........hehehehehe I can imagine what hes gonna say when we get to vorigren!! Since I'm on my way to get the taxes in blackroot, I'll get dante. I've always talked to him after I get the stupid taxes. Parmanian
I don't know there Shadygrove, he hasn't been to talkative in these small towns I'm visiting, but ole thorvald idoesn't want to talk about anything!. Since hes got that harrow from longhaire he think hes pretty cool! and with 9 followers whacking on a little spider, its funny to watch them run around! Parmanian
Gar keeps to himself, and I imagine he hasn't travelled much anyway. However, you must ask him about Stillwater when you're there. He cracks me up.
I never cheat, I explore & exploit loopholes in the programing. Which famous Shadygrove cheat did you have in mind?
Oh, the fate point bug. There is a quest for the Golden Idol in Kree. If you steal it without bloodshed, you get a fate point when you leave Kree with it in your inventory. Cross the city gate with the statue in your inventory & get a point. Out, in, out, in, fate point each time. I usualy get ten or so & forget them from then on.