<a href="http://www.gamezone.com/">GameZone</a> has hammered out a little <a href="http://www.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r13861.htm">review</a> about <a href="http://www.arcanum1.com/">Arcanum</a>. It's pretty short, but the author seemed to really like the game, since he gave it <b>9/10</b>. Here's part of it:<p><blockquote><br>Arcanum is so huge that I can see how some gamers would shy away from playing it. All the choices and complexities do have a higher learning curve than most games, but it is absolutely worth it. Troika has included pre-created characters and default level systems so the casual gamer won't have to bother with the sometimes overwhelming choices if they don't wish. Once you jump in, and get the hang of the controls the story will draw you in, and you'll be hooked. This one will be on your PC for months.<br></blockquote><br>And that's just one of the seven paragraphs in the review! <p>This was also seen at <a href="http://www.bluesnews.com/">Blue's News</a>.<br>