Games Domain review in

Discussion in 'News Comments' started by Saint_Proverbius, Sep 2, 2001.

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  1. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

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    May 5, 2001
    <a href="">Games Domain</a> has released their <a href="">first review</a> of <a href="">Arcanum</a>. They cite weaknesses in graphics as well as the combat system for Arcanum, and ended up giving it a <b>3.5/5 stars</b>. Here's part of it:<p><blockquote><br> Despite all these standard RPG concepts, you'll quickly notice that you don't get to select an alignment. It starts as neutral and is realistically defined by your character's actions. More importantly, you don't get to choose a character class. Rather than being a limitation, this unusual feature opens a world of possibilities. As you make your way through the game, you'll gain experience levels, which grant character points. These offer enormous flexibility and replayability, letting you boost stats, acquire spells, and improve skills as you see fit. Instead of being bound to rigid class restrictions, you can create your own character types on the fly, according to your interests, playing style, and adventures.<br></blockquote><p>It's important to note that <A href="">Games Domain</a> often does more than one review also, a second take. <p>Thanks to <b>sgc_meltdown</b> for telling me about the review.<br>
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