In this topic i would like to have some doubts solved 1° i would like to understand a little of resistances; there are: poison res electrical res fire res damage res magick res Now, poison res reduces poison levels electrical res reduces damage taken from spells of force school and electric bullets from guns such as droch' or tesla gun fire res reduces damage taken from fire spells/flamethrower damage res reduces physical damage that can come from melee attacks and from necro/earth spells magick res... what's about this? What does this resistance prevent? 2° AC - dodge I always had a doubt about these two stats: AC: Armor Class (AC) is a measure of how likely one is to be seriously harmed, should one suffer an assault upon one’s person. A higher AC is more desirable than a lower AC, naturally. Dodge: The tendency to leap aside and avoid injury when one is attacked, or surprised by a trap. So, what's the difference between these two stats? They seem to be almost the same thing... or is AC like resilience in wow, if it does reduce enemy's crit %(measure of how likely one is to be seriously harmed)? 3° TH. I read somewhere that TH should be something like "to hit per armour", but what does this mean? Is it the equivalent of the melee skill(chance to hit)? Thanks in advance for your time
AC is the tendency for something to be missed. It is like dodge, but dodge skill can force someone to critical fail.
I've always figured that dodge helps determine whether or not you're actually hit and AC helps with whether or not that hit does any damage to you. At least that's what sounds logical to me as I type.