Hey guys. You might notice that this my first post on the forums, but in the spirit of the character I first played Arcanum with, I intend to properly introduce myself to your good selves at a later juncture. Anyway, I'm playing through Arcanum for the second time, and I'm having a hard time finding a set of lockpicks. This makes picking locks a b*astrd to do, as if there's a way to pick locks without this tool, I haven't found out how to do it yet. Anyway, if any of you know where to find a set of lockpicks, I'd really apreciate it if you could pass on the info. Regards, Morden
You can buy Crude Lockpicks from the junk dealer in Tarant or Rizztee in Shrouded Hills. You can buy regular Lockpicks from the black market. You can also find a set in the barrel near Poone's Flophouse in Tarant.
Yes! Cheers mate, the barrel outside of the Flophouse did nicely. (Should have myself an auto-skeleton key in no time.) 8) Regards, Morden
When you create a character also has a set available! Plus you always find them when you already have a set hehehehe Parmanian
By the way I don't believe that the lockpicks stack by increasing chances. Didn't seem to work for me with 20 sets.........hehehehe And for some reason I have never had any break on me. Parmanian
The easiest way of getting crude lockpicks (if you intend to learn lock picking) is investing one point into lock picking during character creation. Then you will have them in your inventory while buying the equipment to enter then game with. Also, lockpicks can appear in chests (especially those tech chests) as random items. I often find them in the factory discards chest at the Crash site
The ones you can buy at the beginning of the game are regular Lockpicks and have the +5% bonus. Crude Lockpicks give you no bonus. I forgot that the Factory Discards chest at the Crash Site also sometimes yields lockpicks.
they must really be very random. With a couple dozen starts I never found a set. Maybe a certain character type/profile is required! Parmanian
True. But Solaris was pointing out that if, during character creation, you put points in locksmithy, you *poof!* magickally get a free set of crude lockpicks, no need to buy.